Donald Trump
Discord ID: 483906728883257345
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He is right now and that's great
Exactly I love how he opendly kicked out niggers from his appartments
@John Lemon Are you a commie?
John Lennon was a commie, why is your profile a reference to him?
I'm a true american and trump voter, I love trump so much I have him as a profile to honour him, you have john Lennon a communist as a profile.
Thank you
You literally have a commie as a profile and you are questioning me who has a true american as a profile?
Thank you
How does that even work retard?
sounds like some commie shit you made up?
Progressivism is the enemy of conservatism.
hell yeah he is
he has the smartest brain of them all
John Lennon was a communist musician in the commie band the beatles
Lucky you
But if you don't know who John Lennon is, where did you get your name from?
What do you mean?
Then my question about why you are referencing him still stands?
Get out muslim
it's muslim food, where they torture an animal before slaughter
He's a commie
yeah fuck you buscey
they are commies
it is
I'm starting to like you john
you seem like a cool guy
Their singer was a faggot degenerate
and they made commie music
Yes but the "artist" isn't the only problem their "art" is the problem too with their communist messaging
Same with that Nigger Michael Jackson
He deserved to get shot
He beat his chink wife too
She deserved it but still
I think you're the commie, Trump like Neil so I like Neil
Trump only pretends to support gay people to get votes
He is smart like that
I didn't think of it like that
I will now remove all his song from my playlist
fuck him
I'm 17
Fucking commies both of them
Bernie is dead quicker so I'm choosing him
and he'll die quicker
a bunch of stupid jews
no (((sup mate)))
I like your dad, as long as he stays in Romania, we don't need more immigrants.
Who is that?
Don't be scared of using nigger
No one can stop you
If they punch us down, we will just rise up stronger than ever.
We will become martyrs then and gain more followers
any other hotties for trump that want to hook up
Has to be a female, I'm not into that gay shit.
Only good part about muslims is taht they blow themself up so we don't have too
They probablu make up some shit about they creating it
It's not libtards are just retarded
I'm good
In fact we're not gonna mention Judy at all
keeping the immigrants out
not just the wall but the asians and the africans
only one?
Are you a white female trump supporter?
As long as we don't do gay shit it ain't gay.
How about just hanging out?
It's gay
Fucking faggot leave this server and kill yourself
We don't want you
Sry I got mad I just really hate gays trying stuff with me
yeah they are slippery bastards
probably all that anal lube
Very unchristian of them tbh
Filthy thing be gone
What are those chinks doing here
Fucking disease ridden whores
Fuck of trolls
Thank you
And commies
Even a small trump train would win
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