Message from @mattbbx
Discord ID: 674463551565594634
@Overclicked knows how many times we begged @LawyersPlayDota to get a pfp
This whole chat <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498> more entertaining then any democratic response
I think once hes reelected his first state of the union will involve reading a list of names while AG Barr and the task force drag them outside kicking and screaming to be shot
and just so you know @LawyersPlayDota it was me that reported you
@melaniasmelons PLEASE
@melaniasmelons That would be absolutely amazing.
seeing those treasonous bastards punished for their crimes will be glorious
it @LawyersPlayDota doesn’t have a pfp by tonight, i will push my car into the nearest ditch and leave that fucker there
Push it near mine please
and it’ll be @LawyersPlayDota fault
My starter just died
Smack it with a hammer while cranking
halfleg is a brainless troll smh
Might just be stuck
I was able to get it to start after rocking the car in gear a few times
328i BMW
@melaniasmelons don’t drag bernie server bullshit in here il post screens of the crap u say there lmao
we did it
we set the god damn world on fire
it didn't have to be
but it was to be
and each and every one of us contributed
the old world of tyranny is burning
No, we are actually extinguishing the fire of previous administrations
I see it as "burn the world so we may rise from the ashes"
this goes back to LBJ
this goes back to Roosevelt
we're burning it all
this globalist bullshit
burn baby burn
goodnight fellas - we're on the rise 🙂
<a:movingflag:624686997822242837> <a:movingflag:624686997822242837> <a:movingflag:624686997822242837> SOTU Chat now closed. Rally Chat will be back on Monday, February 10 in New Hampshire <a:movingflag:624686997822242837> <a:movingflag:624686997822242837> <a:movingflag:624686997822242837>
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