Message from @mattbbx
Discord ID: 674462660003364874
and if that isn't enough, tough shit.
he’s like a fucking child
just move the discord mouse 5 degrees to the left
@Islamic Straight Maybe you should shut your smartboi mouth before someone shuts it for you?
@Faelart No, it was the real speech he gave her in the beginning
Will you do it?
Cause telling people why mod policy is mod policy isn't your job @Islamic Straight
I'm not even talking about her lol
it’s such a simple request
You fucking idiot.
I wanna see what's gonna happen lol
and several others have told you to still get a photo despite this. @LawyersPlayDota
@Islamic Straight OH, so you admit you're trolling?
Funny, that's against the rules.
can we get @Overclicked to start stateposting in here to break up the infighting?
Actually this is rally chat lol
I don't even know what we are doing here
@Overclicked knows how many times we begged @LawyersPlayDota to get a pfp
I think once hes reelected his first state of the union will involve reading a list of names while AG Barr and the task force drag them outside kicking and screaming to be shot
and just so you know @LawyersPlayDota it was me that reported you
@melaniasmelons PLEASE
@melaniasmelons That would be absolutely amazing.
seeing those treasonous bastards punished for their crimes will be glorious
it @LawyersPlayDota doesn’t have a pfp by tonight, i will push my car into the nearest ditch and leave that fucker there
Push it near mine please
and it’ll be @LawyersPlayDota fault
My starter just died
Smack it with a hammer while cranking
halfleg is a brainless troll smh
Might just be stuck
I was able to get it to start after rocking the car in gear a few times
328i BMW
@melaniasmelons don’t drag bernie server bullshit in here il post screens of the crap u say there lmao
It's definitely on its way out, but thank you @Corona_bacon