Message from @DangerErin
Discord ID: 671585818984448000
Impeachment is big but this Corona virus is probably the most pertinent issue at hand:
The only fake news are the estimates
107 deaths and 100 of those are from the same city: They are full of shit
of the numbers given, its pretty abysmal though: 107 deaths and fewer are recorded as having recovered, so that's not good. A conservative estimate of 4% death rate still means millions dead. There are now 3 more cases in the US, which brings us to 5 documented cases and still we don't know what were dealing with. Shut the fucking gates already.
So fun fact
sars and coronavirus are actually the same thing
same with MERS
so while the meme is funny, its not fake news, @Crusader Joe
That's literally the same picture.
And the same one they used for SARS, just made black and white.
Look them up.
Coronavirus is Fake News.
Also, the virus dies to 57F alcohol?
Come on dude. They're shit testing you.
Seeing what they can make you believe.
I'm aware that they're the same picture
Im saying that its a valid use of a "stock" coronavirus photo because *both SARS and 2019 novel are types of coronaviruses*
the full name of sars is Severe acute respiratory syndrome **coronavirus**
Coronavirus is a bioweapon test that failed in a lab station funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
lol I'm saying it's all a script, *maybe* the disease is real, but it's just used for fear mongering to keep the population under control.
Is The Bolton leak going to persuade Collins, murkowski and Romney to vote for the fucking witnesses?
Mitt Romney is just looking for excuse to treat president Trump like shit I still wonder how the fuck he won in UT. Aw man he ( Mitt) is so lucky its a super red state and we cant get rid of the guy, lucky bastard. Susan collins always has been moderate I not surprise about her same with Murkowski, even though she comes from a red state of Alaska but ok.
Could be a problem
Maybe not for impeachment but for November.
Clearly. We need to have a unify GOP not one guy doing whatever he wants because as old beef with McCaine on trump same with Mitt about Trump.
coronavirus def a bioweapon test
Nothing to panic here guys. The regular flu kills more ppl, hurr durr
Believe in the numbers the CCP are giving us. They'd never lie!
Imagine being stupid enough to actually believe a disease with less than 15% lethality is a bioweapon
What philbin is talking about at 1:26pm regarding a "clerical error" sounds like more fuckery from the Vindmans to move a call transcript out of the realm of declassification, which would allow Schiff to bs what was actually said in that call.
Yes, community spread is starting
The contact tracing on the Japanese bus guy is going to be near impossible
***It says one of them is a man in his 60s in Nara Prefecture who has no record of staying in the Chinese city of Wuhan in Hubei Province, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak.
The ministry said the man is a bus driver who drove for tourists from Wuhan twice in January.
The man complained of chills and a cough on January 14.
Last Saturday, he was taken to a hospital in the prefecture. He was confirmed infected on Tuesday.
The man is the first person in Japan to be confirmed infected despite having no record of staying in Wuhan.***
You can have the smallest thing and be able to get medical marijuana