Message from @krakmonkey
Discord ID: 684568397283065918
what is wrong with you?
Seems very serious
yes very serious
Very cool thank you
im gay
you've said that already
@Nubidubi23 the only problem I have with this is its hard to read it, where do I start reading by this from? Hillary, Obama, or MI5?
oh you're talking about the spygate thing
idk ask dan i havent actually read it yet
i opened it in a tab and was like "ill read it later"
i still haven't read it
Idk either you asked him why it was blurry and I found a better version of it @Nubidubi23
I’m guessing you start from Clinton and work your way through the entire page non sequentially @MooseOperator
Thanks @Dan🦀
That’s the article
too bad they failed 😂
She's getting calls to resign
I mean we would do it for Bernie😂
Or some of us 😂
i wouldnt
ehh i don't think any true patriot would
are you guys getting mad over some lame joke on twitter
Twitter is just
"The state first is a core value, which means to continuously seek the state’s righteousness and rely on it completely. As citizens, we have the freedom of choice to decide what’s right or wrong, but if we put the state first, we will look to the state for what is right and what is wrong. We can only value the state when we acknowledge that it knows better than we do when it comes to all things concerning life"
Communism is based on Christianity - FIGHT ME!
I barely-modified a text from the South Bay Church (random search took me there) and it's literally what commies keep proposing
That would explain why the vast majority of the supporters of the Bolshevik revolution were Jewish
I like Christianity for some of their values but, if you're a believer, either you like commie shit or you're BLIND
@Fawx - I just feel that conservatives should move out of Christianity because it's one Hell of a slippery slope
I can probably "translate" some more texts...
So you're modifying them