Message from @John Lemon
Discord ID: 692503206030475314
They are a person.
Alright are y'all done? This pony is dead, take it to dm's if you need to continue. Hell I started this convo with a link this morning for crying out loud.
lets get on to a more important topic
I know dude. All I did was mention 4.4 : 1 and suggest male suicide needs more urgency.
Here we still are.
You said that the suicide didn't matter because of that.
Baby shark doo doo do do doo
_I think hexcede has started humming it to him self_ is it safe now?
I have a white toilet in my house, as I suspect everyone does. I don't it-I want a dark brown, like chocolate brown one. Any ideas?
I can't find anything online that is close.
I have an idea you can color it yourself
Man I've looked. IDK. I would also accept a copper or bronze
You can order special colors at Home Depot
I grew up with dark brown toilet.
@Hexcede i saw a vid where they painted one, but it looked like a lot of work.
I don't recommend it if you have hard water
you fuckin simp
eat some fuckin fried chicken and tuco bell
Was waiting for that
ass blast that bastard
@John Lemon I am not concerned with the inside you dolt
Why not? Don't go half assed.
You chimp that toilet out, bro.
Make it look like it dindu nuffin
I saw where I can get a black one, but that wouldn't look right
You could spray paint it and re-enamel it
that wouldn't be impossible
@RocketSurgeon22 on the HD website, I see a few color options but no dark brown. I know sometimes you have to talk to the guy who puts in the order with the manufacturer, maybe that's the way
Yes by make and manufacturer
You should call and maybe check Lowes
Sweet, if that works and i get a bidet toilet seat I'll live stream the maiden voyage @RocketSurgeon22