Message from @Donald Trump
Discord ID: 693619276816449537
his voice makes me want to punch him
fuck him
How old are you guys?
I'm 22.
@John Lemon Paul McCartney or John Lennon?
Same, brother
I'm 17
Neil Young is shit next to David Allan Coe
Fuck those old fuckers
@John Lemon Are you a fan of Culture Club?
Whiskey Myers and Tyler Childers ain't bad if we talking new people
their country ain't pop shit or sucking americas dick 24/7
@Donald Trump You'll probably find in a few years as you move along that you'll cut down what you have time for and what you don't. Like what you choose to bother your self with. Thats especially true with politics and opinions. You'll find something in particular that matters the most to you and start to tailor your self around that, in terms of what arguments you support and don't support.
@John Lemon Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders?
Fucking commies both of them
@TheBuscey Bernie Sanders.
Hold on now.
Fuck commies!
sanders is a commie jew
Read what I @'d to Donald Trump. My answer to that question is FIREARMS RIGHTS.
Like I know Hunter Biden is guilty but like Sanders is a Jew commie
If you are americans you ain't knowing shit bout commies. I'm from Romania, the place that got fucked by it big time
Sanders is the softer candidate for FIREARMS, than BIDEN.
Thats all. If I had to pick one, Bernie.
and he'll die quicker
@Nick CBT Activated LMFAO. That is gold ! These guys here spouting commie and you're literally shaking your head because you've met REAL COMMIES.
I've heard stories from your area of Europe, in particular Poland.
yeah, I had to deal with actual commies
@John Lemon Do you like Canada?
my dad fought in the revolution
he shot ak47 at commie soldiers from the town hall
it was an actual warzone in my town
I like your dad, as long as he stays in Romania, we don't need more immigrants.
An old acquaintance related a story to me of a "Rich" friends birthday party. His dad was a business man, before the fall of the union. This was probably in the early 80's. They had a table of 10 children split 2 snickers bars, and my acquaintance never forgot how special that was to him.
I too will never forget that story, so simple but so effective of a lesson on communism.