Message from @Jadae
Discord ID: 693780398311735338
in MD where I am, the lawmakers are so foolish as to ban magazines that carry 30 bullets purchased IN state, but you can go to a neighbor state and bring them in legally
Wasn't reagen behind a automatic weapon ban or sumuthing
that was Cuntin
1994 I think
errr wait maybe reagan did
since another
most people refer to this one as the .. basically unconstitutional 2A ban
GW let it pass w/o renew 😉 one of the few good things of his presidency
Democrats have started saying they absolutely dont want to ban guns to coming out openly saying they want to take them. I was a Democrat 10 years ago.
Theyve gone so far left they stand for nothing I do anymore
Saying they gone too far left is a little bonkers, considering they are killing them self to make Biden nominee
there was another ban under reagan i thing, for like mgs
yeah for real
they "know not what they do" lol
..unless they are against me
I can't remember the phrase
But it's where someone fakes femmism to be less suspected
Wew it's morning
And I feel like I won't fall asleep
fellow insomniac
Nah nah
It's just I have to reset my sleep schedule
slept 3.5 hrs 😐
I'm a deep sleeper
So it's mostly
All or nothing
yeah- im kinda all or *
was about to type that
This server need a finger gun emote
im still getting used to the variety.. been using IRC forever and have hated moving on
i use both but discord is unavoidable at this point
I hate every discord ui change
i just wish they had a simple, less.. 'bubbly'.. interface