Message from @GG_Allin
Discord ID: 693779953766105199
Im a self proclaimed history buff so i try not to just google shit off the bat
dev started in 45, service 49
great fuckin rifle
But even though they banned it in many states, you can get some great guns that shoot the same awesome round, any .308
in MD where I am, the lawmakers are so foolish as to ban magazines that carry 30 bullets purchased IN state, but you can go to a neighbor state and bring them in legally
Wasn't reagen behind a automatic weapon ban or sumuthing
that was Cuntin
1994 I think
errr wait maybe reagan did
since another
most people refer to this one as the .. basically unconstitutional 2A ban
GW let it pass w/o renew 😉 one of the few good things of his presidency
Democrats have started saying they absolutely dont want to ban guns to coming out openly saying they want to take them. I was a Democrat 10 years ago.
Theyve gone so far left they stand for nothing I do anymore
Saying they gone too far left is a little bonkers, considering they are killing them self to make Biden nominee
there was another ban under reagan i thing, for like mgs
yeah for real
they "know not what they do" lol
I can't remember the phrase
But it's where someone fakes femmism to be less suspected
a trojan whore
Wew it's morning
And I feel like I won't fall asleep
fellow insomniac
Nah nah
It's just I have to reset my sleep schedule
slept 3.5 hrs 😐
I'm a deep sleeper
So it's mostly
All or nothing
yeah- im kinda all or *
was about to type that
This server need a finger gun emote
im still getting used to the variety.. been using IRC forever and have hated moving on