Message from @poolle
Discord ID: 693808736287850576
I'm somewhat of a Catholicaboo even for being a atheist
i def believe in God. I didn't use to
my best friend died almost 4 years ago
i held his hand and felt the warmth (life) leave his body
I couldn't convince my self to believe in God if I wanted to
> Catholicaboo
@Fai Le Sudiste a wut
had a God experience later that night
I just really like the Catholic Church @Jadae
i dont expect anyone to believe it
but it was my God moment
Im not Gen Z. eili5
I'd sound crazy if I said what happened but I think we will all have a moment sometime
(if not already sounding crazy hehe)
@Jadae it's not really a gen z term but usually aboo means someone who really like whatever
Weeaboos like anime
Wehraboos like the wehrmacth
Kaiseraboos like the Kaiserreich
oh, thx
good talking w/ you Fai Le gettin some food
Le Sudiste means The Southerner btw
Does anyone here like hip hop
Proud to be an American!
I need myself a sugar momma
What are those chinks doing here
Fucking disease ridden whores
they eat duckin bats
and look how they dress
probably never even been to a church
I don't like vegans
they are annoying cuntlets
There aren’t that many here tbh. They’re basically just pests.
They’re usually not as bad as antifa bc all they do is pour animal blood on themselves and cry
yes I'm a carnivore btw I eat mostly meat and animal products
vegans just annoy the hell outa me
I have a anti vegan server
Lmao invite me