Message from @Pytokonda 🐏
Discord ID: 668506306688188459
Ya ok they are the longest
@Adler just think. When we leave EU. We can send you some good tea bags
We give you tea, you give us NHS
How about that?
Ok boris
kek meme
i have tourette syndrome but in text form
libtards when I own them
please i need to be kek pilled as soon as possible
give me all the red pills
No pills
<:trumplaugh:666855109644386314> <:trumplaugh:666855109644386314> <:trumplaugh:666855109644386314> <:trumplaugh:666855109644386314>
trump trollface
are you 12?
mlg stonk
do you guys also always listen to djdonald
i only listen to eminem bro