Message from @Pytokonda 🐏
Discord ID: 668494537706176522
The Roman empire was just the 11th
The only country they never fucked with was Portugal
Wow, now instead of increasing their power and land, they willingly surrender their land and power to muslims
Ya they learned fast not to fuck with us
talk about being cucks
They smart
Actually, the British were the ones to ask Portugal for help
Not willing tbh. Blame eu
They wanted their help to fight France, or at least not join them
Ah ya
but hey *at lEaSt ThE fOoD iS bEtTeR*
That started the longest lasting relationship in history, the British Portuguese alliance
Still tbh. If they didn't help or join knowing uk..
Ya ok they are the longest
@Adler just think. When we leave EU. We can send you some good tea bags
We give you tea, you give us NHS
How about that?
Ok boris
kek meme
i have tourette syndrome but in text form
libtards when I own them
please i need to be kek pilled as soon as possible
give me all the red pills
Drugs are bad
No pills
<:trumplaugh:666855109644386314> <:trumplaugh:666855109644386314> <:trumplaugh:666855109644386314> <:trumplaugh:666855109644386314>
trump trollface