Message from @DaviddWatsonn
Discord ID: 670845359911731200
k imma leave this trash server now
At the very least let me see his penis
someone left the keys off the cuck shed
You bring shame on the name of obi wan
I hear Adam Schiff got his nudes from some russians
Omg trump is crass on twitter. Better vote for communists!
*furious soy drinking*
Damn he left before I can rim his ass
Imagine having your beliefs aligns with the press, the entertainment elites and wall street’s hand picked politicians and thinking you are some kind of rebel.
Faggots gonna fag I guess
Can we go back to the vetted channel now? This place smells like gay.
Let us ride gentlemen
I hate Donald
I’m Mexican
I dunno man, I know plenty of people from Mexico who live here in the states and in Mexico who support Trump
claiming you are Mexican doesnt really back up your view
Give some specifics, what has he done to make your life worse?
im hispanic and love Donald
Legit I am not here to rail into you my dude, just curious how it has impacted your life in a way to make you feel the way you feel
Dude, he's just a troll
Quit it
I like to read reasons or copypastes, its entertaining
But they'll actually think we are decent human beings
I like to pretend Im one on the internet or something
12 more years