Message from @ISellFreeMoney
Discord ID: 674373811021283328
Why is everyone here into poop play tf
look at the clusterfuck in Iowa
and Bernie wants the government to run more things lol
they can barely run a DMV and this guy wants them to handle my healthcare
There’s no "wall" and it’s to expensive, retard.
I show ya
@TheJudge think @꧁RANGER꧂❤ wants a free trip over the wall
bye felicia
Is it frowned upon to be transgender in this server?
Who gives a fuck
All unvetted are equally worthless
Playing fortnight is tho
i dont fucking play fortnite fuck you fuck you
its not fortnite fuck you
@ISellFreeMoney your links say you do
my links?
also i wouldent recommend linking your FB on this Discord
Shilly McShillShills like to doxx people here
as you can tell
i dont much care
its your family i guess
Joe Walsh is salty he got booed off stage
He’s accusing the GOP of being a “cult” for trump but every incumbent president that’s popular is bound to have broad support in his own party. He’s full of shit
Where's those Iowa results????
Pete butt the gay rat from south bend
Trump is a very amazing man! He is glorious!!!
Trump is a very amazing man! He is glorious!!!