Message from @baby_corn_is_corn
Discord ID: 674442332216492052
@WingmanMachete read the pinned messages and we can get you added
Mr Trump will make america great again!
The mexicans are raping our border
Space Force!
@SharksGrill what sort of trump gear is required?
My friend is Mexican and he supports legal immigration
The Mexicans are safer as a byproduct of America's new immigration policy
Mexico also benefits
just let me in im a girl !
i don't know anything about america.
all i know is that everything is overpriced
Damn which stream is best. RSBN seems to be lagging by a minute
You know what freedom is? People can clap whatever the f*ck they want with their heart on the country. And that's what we're witnessing. Socialism hates freedom and individual thoughts.
Damn this kid is lucky to get to join the space force
@GnarltonBanks anything as long as you write your discord name on a paper next to it in the photo
Support RSBN, they follow Trump to every rally and event
How do I get vetted?
@Rigel2112 Check the pinned messages
what's the point of a president
Aw, what a cute little austist
Watch me get banned
@thing one - em America is a corporation
@Hallushination hello my dude
Ok this account is getting on my nerves
@thing one - em hello my friend 🙂
i hate corporations
they need to die imo
What the fuck is goign on. This general chat used to require vetting too
America is just an off brand Britain
@thing one - em All nations governments are corporations
SO get used to it