Discord ID: 355576587024072706
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Oh my goodness
Can I get some extreme vetting for the SOTU chat? Extremely quick veting
Tear down that wall!
I got a 25 percent pay increase with my new job
Thank you President Trump
I bet Trump stays completely America First and just ignores the disaster happening with the democrats
Hi Johnny
We are the super elite
C'mon nervous nancy, do the seal clap
She better hurry up
What happened to my privilege?
These infiltrators really are dedicated to wasting their time
I was already vetted quite some time ago
Trump is the greatest president of our lifetimes if not ever
The mexicans are raping our border
Damn which stream is best. RSBN seems to be lagging by a minute
Aw, what a cute little austist
What the fuck is goign on. This general chat used to require vetting too
We're all girls if we want
Nothing is wrong with being gay. I'm sure as hell not voting for you though
I love Trump and I'm voting for him at least 2 more times
Oh man, you guys, I was just trapped in the general open channel chat. Thank goodness I made it
I have a Rush right now
I listen to both of these men every day
Right to life! Ignore democrats entirely
continue destroying the far left with common sense
He is destroying the left without saying a word directly about them
@Islamic Straight I switched to Trump's youtube channel
And especially at the highest level.
Pull no punches on these self-hating america-hating leftists
ha ha ha
Stank memes
Sue their asses
Brutal and true
Mexico IS the wall and they are paying for it
Or just fuck em if they can't get their shit together
you said you wished it would never end
Trump has completely outplayed the left YET AGAIN
Junior isn't going to be as good of a president but I'd vote for him anyway
@LegendaryCollektor go with the tears of laughter and joy
Salami knee
No peach mints, he is destroying them with no need to mention it
I'm not saying glass them all but
I was wondering who that was
Trump cannot lose but we must act as if he will
There is noodles
And come it will
Fuck that bitch pardon my language
63 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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