Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 675161812794212383
I am so happy this exists
My pronouns is cunt/twat. If you don't respect that then you are a racist fag
That guy seems a bit off
Twitter and blue tickmark. Aka a fag that thinks he knows better than everyone else
What's kind of cringe though, from libertarians, is they call Lincoln a bad president because he didn't respect the South's confederacy
Libertarians are garbage
But regardless, david got into Harvard with an SAT of 1270
Which is above average, but he probably worked hard for that.
His level of dementia is above average
Whereas, it's normal for my peers to score 1300 without effort.
"alien" is a legal term
alien is another way to say stranger, at least that's how they saw the word back in the 1700s
Hogg is a retard with a 110 IQ. He's technically above avg, yet not smart enough to form a cohesive ideology.
Alien is an uninvited guest
It takes 120 or above to form an original opinion, whereas Hogg takes in the information from his degenerate peers and regards it as fact.
if anyone is a 'victim' of a mass shooting and ends up pro-gun, they are buried. If they are anti-gun they are celebrities.
Also, he has no T, and it really shows in his feminine facial characteristics.
Sad that I'm a member of his generation.
Anyone who talks about ending gun violence is just an SJW
How do you end gun violence? Well it's simple. The mentally ill should be institutionalized, and the ghettoes of the America's inner cities more heavily policed.
Already, you'd eliminate most gun homicides, just by policing inner cities.
that image is cursed btw.
If all you need to transition is eyeshadow, you need more testosterone
Looks more like a faggot now.
Reminds me of a revolutionary LARPer who thinks he actually matters.
And yet he stands in front of the American flag, as if it means anything to him.
anyone who wants to disarm americans is a traitor
I want to disarm you so I we can take over again
Make you pay tea tax
Remember, guns for citizens only.