Message from @Dan🦀
Discord ID: 675215645465378838
@Hitlery Rodent Clinton I see you on DiscordHub
What's discord hub?
@Hitlery Rodent Clinton hey, DM me with your reddit account
@WeWillNeverYield to what account?
Oh I get it 2 sec
so how do you get vetted around these parts if the vetting is down?
You only have access to a limited selection of channels until you’ve been vetted into the sever. To be vetted, please message a moderator (I'm usually available) with a reddit, Twitter, discord, or any social media history. If you have any of this — and would like to be vetted to gain access to our most popular channels — send this information in the first message and standby.
got it, thanks Sir Grill
I just noticed that I was given access here, hello!
Read the message above
Pelosi sucks
Does anyone have a website or list of things to debunk by common lib BS? IE: Fake university, supporting nazis,etc.
@uh oh le monke your mom's racist, and President Trump is still your president, When republicans take the house they're going to expunge that bullshit impeachment, and he will forever be the GOAT, and you'll still live in your step moms basement
Just came out today. Tweet #UkraineFinalPiece
What if Bernie is the nominee
Trump wins
Honestly the the dems are so split
If Bernie dosnet get the nomination
Bernie bro’s are gonna be pissed
Especially after Iowa
lol I’m coming from a Bernie discord
I don’t think they would show up for Someone else
Pete butt would have no chance
can you believe the rat tweeted saying he won Iowa
He’s a homosexual
Yes I can
They creator of the app is a butt supporter
Honestly I think the Iowa situation secured trumps presidency
Because if Bernie wins