Message from @blvnk
Discord ID: 675301124819124244
yeah, I've seen that alright, started using gab
What do all these sites that are banning conservatives have in common
How to verify I'm a trump supporter?
@SunGlisten Hungary is kinda right wing though (no one here supports illegal immigration) so they don't dislike Trump as much, although my sister and her boyfriend thinks Trump is a joke
@Andrew Hanbridge lose the faggy anime avatar for a start
This isn't a faggy anime avatar
This is evangelion anime avatar
lmao always the same when you call out an anime avatar "ACKSHULLY it's not anime it's *name of anime*"
> lmao always the same when you call out an anime avatar "ACKSHULLY it's not anime it's *name of anime*"
@Big Ron evangelion isn't anime
Evangelion is culture
whatever anime fag
Zankoku na tenshi no you ni
Shounen yo shinwa ni nare
aoi kaze ga ima
@Kaj ye i noticed eastern europe generally supports trump more than western and central europe
Yo why are yall anti anime
No shit she joined fucking ISIS
Is CNN actually pushing the first FOTUS (Faggot of the US) as a realistic option against Trump? WTF is wrong with them?
@negi kun - Not many animes are tolerable, most are shit for fucking losers, faggots and degenerates
If you need a TV show to have huge boobs and pantyshots, go chug some Clorox
@Feddie ?
At least come up with your own copy paste
wassup boys
How do you defeat Batman?
Eat him
That's vore
Yes it is.
Vore kinda cringe doe