Message from @tsar
Discord ID: 675539725775405069
orange man bad hillary 2020
Acquitted, unable to be put in the peach
Democrat Debate Disaster thread is up:
Another debate disaster where they say the same shit they have said the last 5 times
Im only watching to see buttgag get shit on for iowa, if they dont do that they are more cucked than I thought
Lmao the like dislike ratio on the livestream <:feelsOKman:624681482337910817>
Tom Steyer thinks climate change is more dangerous than radical islam. What a fuckin goon
These people keep talking about climate change and completely disregard the economy
The average american would rather pay lower taxes, earn a higher wage and have better jobs than paying more taxes to ‘save the world’
People care about money, not some ice sheets 8000 miles away
That’s why none of these candidates have a chance
Even so, what can we do about global warming
Reducing human CO2 output
How are you
I’m thinking about Trump and Yang
why haha
These Greta Thunberg and her supporters don’t care about the environment, they care about shitting on whites.
People who really care about the environment do stuff about it without just crying in front of huge crowds about how white man bad
@tsar why are we using china and India as an excuse to do nothing about climate change
Well, we’re one of the best in the world in regards to air pollution
We are around 15% of the world’s total pollution
I don’t see why we should sacrifice our economy
When China is quite literally triple matching us in pollution and getting away with the economic benefits @Chris1122
We = 🇺🇸
I do t give a shit about global warming. But I do care about lookibg after the world by looking after wildlife and nature
Trump *has* made animal cruelty a federal crime
Animal cruelty is just wrong tbh.
Idk what trump doing. But Ik he said something about planting more trees. So that's a good step.
The fact is