Message from @redgentleman443
Discord ID: 677632263273447448
trump can sense threats and bloomberg seems the most reasonable and he has money
None of the other dems will attack him the way that he attacks them but Bloomberg went there
wait what did bloomberg say?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
So I read this one AskReddit thread about people seeing the ocean for the 1st time - Have you ever had a notable experience seeing some vista for the 1st time?
I live in a fairly "varied" place in the World when it comes to vistas so I've seen everything except maybe seas of dunes
I don't think I ever got a proper reaction for seeing any major vista for the 1st time
hi i have a question for you all
whats your opinion on marijuana legalization
im curious to hear it from a more conservative viewpoint
love you
@Mets - For me, it's just that I basically saw "everything" because everything is within a 200-300 mile range from where I live
I consider myself moderate but I still enjoy hearing external views
I've seen long beaches
I've seen them supershort
I've seen cliffsides
what state?
I'm in a more nature-filled part of my state so its kinda normal for me to have good views
I live in the northeast and we have A LOT of different stuff
I'm downstate
Northeast of Spain <:facepalm:653840172949045259>
The GIF, man, the GIF
ive always wanted to backpack europe
i just want to enjoy the nature
the fuck
im legit dying from that
Cala Estreta, not too far from Palamos 🇪🇸
It's a bit of a pain in the ass or it was the last time I went there