Message from @Dim
Discord ID: 678758422711238666
idk what more to say
Sexually harassed
anyways Obama is better
no u bitches
i give trump N word bypass
person below is a dick
person above is 12
goat simulator?
looks like an Arab goat simulator
but her ass is nice
i like eating ass
something wrong againts arabs?
we hate them
you know, your lefty racism and homophobia isn't welcome here
Be right back gotta get trump to rape someone
okay let's ner serious
i really like trump
like he is better than Obama with some things and the same for Obama
we can't judge people
Be america
get bricked
this is America
> Be right back gotta get trump to rape someone
I'm Russian btw
made me die from laughter
and now God brings me back
homosexuality isn't allowed here right?
@Cringing why do you have something againts me?