Message from @roy
Discord ID: 682000487414759520
“Free” healthcare isn’t always fast healthcare
Currently my country is going through struggles with its healthcare system
It's not free
I know
You pay taxes
Taxpayer funded
I don’t like it when it’s called free healthcare
There’s a lot of problems
Like people have died waiting for transplants and waiting for hospital beds
GP appointments are all gone in less than an hour after they open
There’s a shortage of healthcare employees
And there are too many people who are part of the healthcare system
What’s the American healthcare system like?
im a liberal
Necessary evil I would say @Samurai89
i love how im just here
wheres markos
But I think there are ways to fix it
and kru and batman
It's just so very complex
doesn't make much sense does it
The truth is, laws can't fix shitty culture
We have to reform culture first
Is everyone a conservative here?
i was kidding
No libtards