Message from @armitage

Discord ID: 686728780810944575

2020-03-09 23:47:39 UTC  

Nobody talks about how it was the DEMOCRATS that founded the KKK

2020-03-09 23:49:40 UTC  

You know the party swapped right

2020-03-09 23:50:03 UTC  

I’m a huge trump supporter but please argue with the correct facts

2020-03-09 23:50:36 UTC  
2020-03-10 00:00:38 UTC  

why are you concern trolling then

2020-03-10 00:04:38 UTC  

democrats opposed the 13th amendment that freed the slaves

2020-03-10 00:04:53 UTC  

they opposed the 14th amendment that make slaves citizens

2020-03-10 00:05:08 UTC  

they opposed the 15th amendment that gave them the right to vote

2020-03-10 00:06:53 UTC  

@Big Guy they dont support the kkk anymore

2020-03-10 00:07:10 UTC  

to this day they fund planned parenthood which is a eugenics program

2020-03-10 00:11:19 UTC  

It’s not a matter of Democrats vs Republicans

2020-03-10 00:11:31 UTC  

Republicans used to be the progressive party

2020-03-10 00:11:35 UTC  

Now it’s the Democrats

2020-03-10 00:11:42 UTC  

It’s ideology not party alignment

2020-03-10 00:12:01 UTC  

It was not the conservatives who supported free black people

2020-03-10 00:12:21 UTC  

the US government hired thousands of nazi scientists in operation paperclip

2020-03-10 00:12:30 UTC  

Yeah that’s fucked

2020-03-10 00:13:15 UTC  

connect the dots and do your research the fact is that was classified along with the real motives of this eugenics program

2020-03-10 00:14:06 UTC  

they are mostly placed in black neighborhoods and black ladies in America abort their child more than they keep it

2020-03-10 00:14:24 UTC  

this is just one facet of what I'm talking about and it is very much tied to the democrat party I'm afraid

2020-03-10 00:15:00 UTC  

they openly support it while lying to you about the real motives

2020-03-10 00:15:31 UTC  

When did the parties switch? I've found absolutely 0 real information about the parties switching apart from people being confused that this fake bs is still being said

2020-03-10 00:16:24 UTC  

Concern trolling is a term invented by partisans to crush dissent and legitimate concern.

2020-03-10 00:16:34 UTC  

there is a lot of disinfo out there when it comes to the democrats

2020-03-10 00:17:30 UTC  

The party switch is an oversimplification of things. The Republicans shifted their social outlook to be more conservative, especially under Nixon (one of the best presidents).

2020-03-10 00:17:32 UTC  

i rly dont give a shit which party freed the slaves honestly

2020-03-10 00:17:44 UTC  

democrats are unironically the party of demonic pedophile f*gs

2020-03-10 00:17:51 UTC  


2020-03-10 00:17:53 UTC  

if you're religious you might say the evil doing of the deep state are in fact a satanic agenda and the deception is what you'd expect from the great deceiver

2020-03-10 00:18:01 UTC  

Dems shifted their message from hating minorities to giving them gibs.

2020-03-10 00:18:10 UTC  

the stock market took a huge hit today

2020-03-10 00:18:39 UTC  

The Republicans were always the party of the free-market, while the Democrats always supported intervention.

2020-03-10 00:18:50 UTC  

So, only some positions changed, but it wasn't a "switch"

2020-03-10 00:19:58 UTC  

I laugh when democrats bring up the Jim Crow Laws despite being the ones who passed and defended those exact laws and their only excuse is "Well the parties switched!"

2020-03-10 00:20:09 UTC  

But, it doesn't matter which party freed the slaves, because the modern American parties do not represent their historical past.

2020-03-10 00:20:16 UTC  

Both parties are traitors.

2020-03-10 00:21:01 UTC  

I think it matters a lot actually

2020-03-10 00:21:03 UTC  

They subvert the nation into a false dichotomy, limit the dialectic between two choices, two positions.

2020-03-10 00:21:33 UTC  

There is a third position, which truly puts America first, above markets, above globalism and above foreigners.

2020-03-10 00:21:46 UTC  

But, both parties have rejected this position.

2020-03-10 00:21:46 UTC  

sounds white nationalist no thanks