Message from @Cringing
Discord ID: 687388528430415992
Liberals != Leftists, liberals are center right wokeites
Not sure if BASED or nah.
yeah there's none of that commie shapeshifting meant in a quote from decades back vs what you use today
@CthulhuOnIce yeah we can’t say libtards anymore. Apparently they’re alt right now.
Center right != Alt right
I know thinking isn't your strong point, but muster that iota of common sense
Wdym shapeshifting it's a direct quote
you're playing semantics on a term used to describe your beliefs, but you don't claim it because you're going with a more general term today. He's describing people that hold your beliefs that other people can better the life of the black man. No, he must change his own culture and fight his own fights.
He literally said "show me a capitalist and I'll show you a bloodsucker"
I believe in treating people as equals, regardless of race. You feel that they should be infantalized
Not trynna sound exclusivist or like a jerk since everyone’s welcome obviously, but this is more curiosity: how’d a leftist get in the server and why’d u even join anyways?
I just join and see @I-Hate-black-people talking about how black people are all criminals.
Malcolm X wasn't exactly brilliant on economics, but he was insightful on race relations.
I do not feel they should be infantilized, youre putting words in my mouth because of your own prejudice
I believe my doctor to diagnose a disease, not tell me how to play the market
My prejudice against leftists? Oh dear. You poor thing.
@Doc Jinzo, PhD in Trap Negation no vetting anymore.
it doesnt mean malcom x was right about capitalism just because he said it. People can be right about certain things and wrong about other things.
I mean there is vetting
Your prejudice against anyone left of you
most of my friends are liberals.
Who she voting for?
I don't know, I didn't ask.
Simp much?
where does simp come into this
Acknowledging the existence of a woman = Simping
she doesn't hate Trump, but she isn't a fan of policies.
she is a fan of the higher wages.
knowing someones thoughts on politics isnt acknowledging their existence
I didn't ask her lol. She voted Trump last election because "HRC only got the nomination because she stayed with Bill"
oh boy
she might vote for biden idk
Knowing someone's thoughts on politics = simping
@GeoChaucer so all my effort messaging mods was for nothing?
@Doc Jinzo, PhD in Trap Negation no, vetting still happens