Message from @Doc Jinzo, PhD in Trap Negation

Discord ID: 687400263807402004

2020-03-11 20:32:17 UTC  

@saturn broker the employees are the foundation for the business? No, the employees would vote for representatives to sit on the board of directors

2020-03-11 20:32:23 UTC  

no theyre not the foundation.

2020-03-11 20:32:33 UTC  

They are

2020-03-11 20:32:38 UTC  

What you mean to say is that you are going to CONFISCATE my property, and give it to the community.

2020-03-11 20:33:11 UTC  

@LC Christ you're dense

2020-03-11 20:33:17 UTC  

you are not the most important part of the small business you work at

2020-03-11 20:33:22 UTC  

But not everyone in a corporation can do every job, plus they’d be too large to be a “co-op”

2020-03-11 20:33:34 UTC  

he thinks he's important, that's for sure

2020-03-11 20:33:53 UTC  

Okay I gotta go. Later.

2020-03-11 20:35:25 UTC  

A co-op is formed on the basis that everyone contributes so everyone reaps benefit. In small numbers this can work. In larger numbers this can’t, as you’ll have people inevitably trying to not work and game the system. It’s human nature.

That’s where the authoritarianism aspect of socialism comes in. In order to make sure people contribute so the machine won’t stop functioning, strict laws are made and penalties are enforced to make sure everyone is working while those at the top making those laws reap most of the benefit

2020-03-11 20:35:57 UTC

2020-03-11 20:36:07 UTC  

what experience do you have with financing, taking risk, accounting, ensuring quality, buying inventory, budgeting, resolving complaints, understanding managerial processes, business intelligence etc... you probably dont. so why would you get a say in how a business is run? why should you get a say when you've sacrificed nothing to start a business.

2020-03-11 20:36:37 UTC  

Schools closing near me

2020-03-11 20:37:42 UTC  

Everyone in my town is rushing to horde supplies. I’m not joking.

2020-03-11 20:38:11 UTC  

same here

2020-03-11 20:38:13 UTC  

Well hold on Saturn there is the point to be made that people higher up in the “food chain” do need to know what it’s like lower down as not to become authoritarian themselves, so people lower down do sometimes need to be put in positions of power.

But that’s mainly solved by consulting jobs

2020-03-11 20:38:50 UTC  

if i work my whole fucking life to save up enough money to actually create jobs for people and start a business; only to have some sniveling little shit leech with no skills or merit try to take it over because they think its their fucking right you can bet im firing them.

2020-03-11 20:39:22 UTC  

It’s when you artificially try and shove people into power positions that you end up making a mess. It’s like trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. You break the frame around it in the process

2020-03-11 20:40:51 UTC  

lmao im actually a consultant. i agree with you tho

2020-03-11 20:41:47 UTC  

i wouldnt say i have any "power" though. i dont actually own part of the clients business. at the end of the day im not the one making management decisions.

2020-03-11 20:43:14 UTC  

But you have a certain amount of influence in those decisions

2020-03-11 20:44:13 UTC  

That’s another difference between our ideologies, in that to a socialist, power is mainly, if not exclusively, represented in the material, when in reality it can take many forms

2020-03-11 20:44:51 UTC  

bro i just dont want swedens 50% income tax

2020-03-11 20:45:33 UTC  

That’s why they don’t see those with power like the lgb lobby as having power, as they are in the minority physically

2020-03-11 20:45:43 UTC  

well and with socialism the soul focus is always power struggles.

2020-03-11 20:46:04 UTC  


2020-03-11 20:48:10 UTC  

having influence doesnt mean i have power though. most of the employees i've worked with, even shit tier employees had much more power than i ever did. Its true you get to talk to higher ups, but if you dont work well with bottom level workers you'll never get anything done.

2020-03-11 20:48:15 UTC  

People always bring up Sweden and it's like... it has 10 million people and they actually work. We have 350 million and half the country doesn't want to work. It's not as hunky dory as these commies have been gaslit to believe. Things cost money and the money will eventually run out, and companies/people will leave America if we tax them 50-80%.

2020-03-11 20:50:10 UTC  

@Doc Jinzo, PhD in Trap Negation how could an individual game the system

2020-03-11 20:50:26 UTC  

Reap the benefits and put in no work

2020-03-11 20:50:39 UTC  

That's not what a co op is lmao

2020-03-11 20:50:42 UTC  

Like a fat kid in his moms basement lying about looking for work

2020-03-11 20:51:41 UTC  


2020-03-11 20:52:02 UTC  

No that’s what I’m saying. I’m saying smaller co ops work but when u try and force larger entities to adopt it they can’t keep track of everyone so some moochers might slip through

2020-03-11 20:52:30 UTC  

Gotta Drive home ttyl

2020-03-11 20:52:32 UTC  

Co Ops aren't just benefits

2020-03-11 20:52:48 UTC  

Aight safe travels

2020-03-11 20:53:11 UTC  

@saturn broker why do you prioritize mental labor over physical labor? Both sides are essential to the company

2020-03-11 20:54:58 UTC  

i dont but it could depend on what you quantify/qualify as labor.

2020-03-11 20:55:20 UTC  

on a very pragmatic, practical, less conceptual level.

2020-03-11 20:58:27 UTC  

there are organizations, jobs, degrees that are centered around determining the worth of labor. its not an easy thing to figure out. you cant prioritize it based on morally what you think is right. its a very objective process oftentimes.