Message from @Ostland

Discord ID: 687447486008524996

2020-03-11 22:54:19 UTC  

Earlier today

2020-03-11 22:54:58 UTC  

i feel like us whipping that commie should serve as some credit

2020-03-11 22:55:23 UTC  

Eh I wouldn’t say that I try to be nice to ppl

2020-03-11 22:55:32 UTC  

the DDR killed my aunt, so I’m not fond of the communists

2020-03-11 22:56:06 UTC  

i started off nice to him. i even said people should be less harsh. but he started ackin up

2020-03-11 22:59:13 UTC  

tbh what i don't understand about demsocs is that we can make our economy fair without burning down wall street

2020-03-11 23:00:35 UTC  

there was once a time in this country where you could work <50 hours per week, have your spouse be unemployed, raise a small family, be mostly debt-free, own your house and car, and still have money in savings

2020-03-11 23:01:23 UTC  

Yeah but then TPTB wanted us to be more subservient so they loaded the working hours.

2020-03-11 23:02:15 UTC  

working hours should be a lot lower nowadays tbh and it sickens me that trump hasn't done much to solve it

2020-03-11 23:02:45 UTC  

theres no reason me, a office worker, should be working for the same amount of time that a factory worker in the 1940s worked

2020-03-11 23:04:20 UTC  

Because it goes deeper than Trump. The powers that be are safe as long as people are tired from working many hours.

2020-03-11 23:04:21 UTC  

Hey gamers

2020-03-11 23:04:37 UTC  

I like working over 50 hours but I’m an idiot so

2020-03-11 23:06:23 UTC  

There are studies that actually show we’re working a lot less hours than industrial time. Working hours have been shrinking.

2020-03-11 23:06:40 UTC  

Industrial revolution* time.

2020-03-11 23:19:52 UTC  

Why are there two the_donald discords?

2020-03-11 23:21:55 UTC  

BTW @SlapYoSelf you can still do all that stuff you listed. Back then I'm sure you didn't have 2 cars, a overside home, a laptop, cell phone, cable TV, a thousand other subscription services

2020-03-11 23:33:49 UTC
Charlie Kirk supports migration, says Japan needs more "entrepreneurial immigrant communities".

2020-03-11 23:35:17 UTC  

"Muh GDP! We need more immigrants for muh GDP!". This is the future of the Republican party. Full of immigrants, drag queens, trannies and socially liberal losers like Kirk.

2020-03-11 23:50:52 UTC  

not being socially liberal to a point is a cuck move

2020-03-11 23:54:13 UTC  

Social liberals are retards, they're the real cucks. Stop with this fake "conservative" label.

2020-03-11 23:56:22 UTC  

not really a fake conservative label if you’re socially liberal to a certain point my man

2020-03-11 23:56:52 UTC  

Mad that Charlie wants to wreck Japan

2020-03-11 23:57:08 UTC  


2020-03-11 23:57:33 UTC  

Only in the modern era can you call social liberals "conservative". The history of conservatism started off with traditional values.

2020-03-11 23:59:29 UTC  

That's because neocons degraded what it means to be conservative, from preserving traditional values into an ideology about intervention. After Bush Sr., the focus was on preserving the free-market economy. This has nothing to do with the historic conservative definition.

2020-03-12 00:03:59 UTC  

What are the traditional conservative values in your mind and are conservatives allowed to stray apart on some ideas they disagree with?

2020-03-12 00:06:27 UTC  

Traditional marriage, traditional gender roles, pro-life, pro-Christian moral values, rejection of consumerism.

2020-03-12 00:08:19 UTC  

I don't remember the conservative stance always being against consumerism

2020-03-12 00:09:12 UTC  

"consumerism" is a false word used to demonize capitalism

2020-03-12 00:10:25 UTC  

To address the second part of your question, conservative is a label which is pretty clear in it's historic definition. It's main purpose is to preserve traditional values, such as some listed above. If conservatives perpetually surrender values such as the ones listed above, then it's obvious they shouldn't be considered conservative at all.

Consumerism is a creation of the modern world. It's pretty obvious that figures such as Edmund Burke wouldn't support it. *One of the founders of conservatism as we know it.

2020-03-12 00:10:56 UTC  

also pro-2nd amendment, anti gun restriction

2020-03-12 00:11:14 UTC  

ruggedly individualistic

2020-03-12 00:12:18 UTC  

This bullshit railing against consumerism is some commie bullshit

2020-03-12 00:13:03 UTC  

consumerism is a term made up by hippies in the 1960s who hated capitalism and human industrialism

2020-03-12 00:13:17 UTC  

aka losers in life

2020-03-12 00:13:47 UTC  

Remember, if you ever feel bad or are discouraged, just wip out any dollar bill and read one of the most beautiful lines this country has:


Have a good day and God Bless America!

2020-03-12 00:13:57 UTC  

And no, consumerism isn't a false word. It's pretty obvious that today's world is controlled by exacerbated materialism. In the 50s, the consumer attitude was much more moderate, consumer spending was much lower. Yet, people lived happier and more fulfilling lives.

2020-03-12 00:14:32 UTC  

And anti-consumerism isn't communistic either, that just shows your lack of understanding about economic systems.

2020-03-12 00:14:49 UTC  

i think how much you consume is just a function of your income anyway. if i make 500k/year im buying more stuff than at 50k/yr