Message from @Tesla

Discord ID: 688272400063791132

2020-03-14 06:21:03 UTC  

my first real experience with animal attachment on the farm was when I was like 7 or 8. Old man bought 2 pigs with his brothers. Told me, "Don't go near them! They're dangerous!" But they were hella nice to me, I could take them on walks on rope even though they weighed 400lbs and could eat me in seconds. When the grass was tall in the orchard, sometimes I'd take em for walks, they'd lay down in the sun, let me lay on them.

2020-03-14 06:21:54 UTC  

Pigs are dangerous.

2020-03-14 06:22:00 UTC  

I used to have to collect eggs from the henhouse, see you buy chickens as chicks, and they're supposed to be sexed, but sometimes they make a mistake sexing, and we ended up with this real fuckhead rooster that would fly at me claws first and attack me. Fucker would fuck me up all the time.

2020-03-14 06:22:14 UTC  

Number of people who have been eaten by them is crazy

2020-03-14 06:22:19 UTC  

they're useful but they're more than just tools. dogs can be emotional companions too. dogs also see extensive use in the military and police force, dogs are basically heroes. Saying a dog is a tool would be like saying a veteran is a tool, they both gave their lives serving this country and their species and keeping us safe, that deserves respect.

Also that rooster sounds like an asshole

2020-03-14 06:23:03 UTC  

One day I was laying on the fruit drying trays in the sun, and that fucker got out. He was on top of the henhouse cawing at the pigs. "COCK A DOODLE DOO!" but the pigs didn't pay any attention to him, in fact, they had their backs turned to him which pissed him off more.

2020-03-14 06:23:28 UTC  

If y’all truly think animals are tools I recommend reading Sgt. Rex.
Great book about a military working dog

2020-03-14 06:23:33 UTC  

I love dogs. But they was tools, but they grow in are heart. They helped us for so long. So that's why we love them so much. Unless you from china or Muslim

2020-03-14 06:24:11 UTC  

So dumb ass decided to fly down into the pig pen to challenge them. It took less than a split second for the pigs to fly across the pig pen and nail him. In a puff of feathers, my 2 sows vanquished my rooster foe, I was so happy and grateful.

2020-03-14 06:24:27 UTC  

So he got rekt

2020-03-14 06:24:56 UTC  

China will china.

2020-03-14 06:25:25 UTC  

For the rest of the year I would continue loving on my pigs, they me. I'd take them down to the nearby creek to wallow. I'd look them in the eyes, see intelligence, they'd always be happy to see me and just started following me without a rope. I could point them to go back in their pen and they would.

2020-03-14 06:25:47 UTC  

Didn’t the virus come from bats tho? Smh, China shifting blame

2020-03-14 06:26:15 UTC  

mine lives in my house

2020-03-14 06:26:52 UTC  

Then one day my uncles showed up early in the morning. My old man was polishing his .22. They moved the pigs from the pen into our fenced in yard. They were all sitting around and drinking beer. My old man took aim, nailed porky right between the eyes. Petunia had no idea what had happened, she walked over to porky, she got shot too.

2020-03-14 06:27:26 UTC  

Why did he kill them in front of you? I understand where you’re going with this though

2020-03-14 06:27:40 UTC  

he's bullshitting you

2020-03-14 06:28:07 UTC  

Then they was Sunday morning and they all had bacon

2020-03-14 06:28:07 UTC  

Both pigs fell over to their sides, instant brain shot. I watched the blood trickle from the headshot, their eyes haze over blue. My dad and uncles bound their feet, put a pole between their legs and carried them out to the carport where we kept the power transfer sprayer.

2020-03-14 06:28:47 UTC  

I mean, you gotta eat something

2020-03-14 06:29:18 UTC  

They wound a come along into the rafters of the car port, and hoisted the pigs up one by one, slitting their throats and letting the blood drain into metal buckets. They cut their bellies and their internal organs fell onto the plastic sheets below.

2020-03-14 06:30:19 UTC  

that's when I lost it. I hopped on my bike and rode the 1/4 mile down the dirt driveway on my bannana seat bike. There I was by myself next to San Felipe road, crying my eyes out, because I knew I would never see my friends again.

2020-03-14 06:30:48 UTC  

I understand

2020-03-14 06:31:38 UTC  

My heroes that vanquished my fowl tormenter. We took the carcasses to a butcher in Los Gatos, and they got turned into bacon, sausage, pork chops, loins, ribs. I found I enjoyed the hell out of the meat, and I realized their sacrifice allowed me to be fed.

2020-03-14 06:32:28 UTC  

and that's sort of where I understood why we do this, why we kill and eat animals. They choose to be domesticated, they choose to be dependent on us, and in return they become our food.

2020-03-14 06:33:00 UTC  

(don’t really think they choose so, but otherwise fair)

2020-03-14 06:33:20 UTC  

They get fed until they're fat, they don't have to suffer from natural predators, they even have the nourishment and safety to reproduce.

2020-03-14 06:33:36 UTC  

And had fast death

2020-03-14 06:33:41 UTC  


2020-03-14 06:34:08 UTC  

ever see a cat kill its prey? It's not a quick death, they're literally eaten alive. It's a fucked up way to go suffering like that.

2020-03-14 06:34:23 UTC  

They play with there food too

2020-03-14 06:34:41 UTC  

I mean that makes sense, I understand what you’re saying. But the difference here which you didn’t really address is the fact that pigs are meant to be food animals, whereas dogs aren’t. Dogs aren’t meant to be eaten, rather they live alongside us. Pigs, other livestock, are bred mainly to be eaten, and to produce offspring, which are also eaten. But I won’t deny your emotional attachment to the pigs nor your realization

2020-03-14 06:35:23 UTC  

Depends on where you're from. Asian countries love dog meat. They raise them like livestock.

2020-03-14 06:36:18 UTC  

but they have some fucked up practices, they believe that adrenalin enhances the flavor of the meat, so making the animal die a suffering death is the fate most animals get over there. Nothing quick or painless about it.

2020-03-14 06:36:51 UTC  

That was always wrong to me. Vegans are like “oh it’s ok to kill cows but not dogs you hypocrites.” And im just like “yeah, dogs aren’t meant to be food animals you dolts.” Though I’ve heard in Asia they eat dog because it’s cheaper than other kinds of meat, probably cuz theyre not meant to be eaten, and never were meant to be eaten. And yeah a lot of the practices there are fucked beyond belief

2020-03-14 06:36:53 UTC  

Like, I'm totally cool with them eating dog, cat, whatever, just don't be dicks to the animal when it's time to harvest. Give it a quick painless death.

2020-03-14 06:37:04 UTC  

ya I've seen videos. They boil then alive and shit

2020-03-14 06:37:11 UTC  


2020-03-14 06:37:15 UTC  

That’s sickening

2020-03-14 06:37:26 UTC  

Skin them alive too