Message from @Big Guy

Discord ID: 688281052887646229

2020-03-14 06:51:38 UTC  

Yah it was the Dutch, African warlords, and US plantation owners that were responsible for it, but not every caucasian american landed at plymoth rock, my family came in 1914 to escape facism in sicily and landed at Ellis Island.

2020-03-14 06:52:41 UTC  

we had nothing to do with that shit, nada, zilch, although we did have a lot to do with hiring illegals which is pretty fucked, but apparently we paid better than most people did, some mexicans that worked for the family eventually had enough money to start their own orchards, or so I'm told.

2020-03-14 06:54:02 UTC  

Schools just fucked ATM. Kids are being dumb down and guilt tripped. Least in EU anyway

2020-03-14 06:54:51 UTC  

US is the same, I was lucky, got out right before that wave hit, but my younger friends got indoctrinated, treated me like I was the cause of their problems in life, we're no longer friends.

2020-03-14 06:55:10 UTC  

I graduated HS in 1991, but after that is when it started happening.

2020-03-14 06:55:44 UTC  

imagine of trump did everything we memed about him doing day 1 in office

2020-03-14 06:56:03 UTC  

Like my dad. He learn so much more stuff than me. Alot about science chemistry history and ofter shit I never touched. Then I ask ofter people's kids and they didn't learn half the stuff I learned.

2020-03-14 06:56:13 UTC  

now is the time for him to use coronavirus to use the state to fuck shit up for real, end immigration and nationalize

2020-03-14 06:56:52 UTC

2020-03-14 06:56:54 UTC  

80's was great, there was true integration in schools, all of my friends were mexican, asian, black and white. We all hung out playing video games at pizza parlours and 7-11's.

2020-03-14 06:57:12 UTC  

there was never integration

2020-03-14 06:57:41 UTC  

San Jose has always been pretty equally dispersed, you can look up the historical census data, it's all there.

2020-03-14 06:58:07 UTC  

although the last few years Caucasians have become a minority.

2020-03-14 06:58:07 UTC  

maybe look at the demographics and the increasing number

2020-03-14 06:58:23 UTC  

racial conclaves are inevitable because tribalism is real

2020-03-14 06:58:43 UTC  

I think we're below 25% Caucasian now.

2020-03-14 06:59:27 UTC  

neighborhoods that were integrated are now becoming conclaves like Manhattan.

2020-03-14 07:00:00 UTC  

trump is gonna run economically to the left of biden and itll be epic

2020-03-14 07:01:45 UTC  

Evergreen area of San Jose is indian, they have a huge guruwarda, Along the 101 From aborn to Tully is mostly Vietnamese, North of tully you have mexicans until you hit penetencia creek, then you have your chinese, koreans, and japanese with good schools, but their neighborhood is started to get diluted with high density housing.

2020-03-14 07:03:06 UTC  

Moving west, you have your high class whites and indians in willow glenn, and as you move south of willow glen it's gets a little more diverse and poorer until you hit almaden valley, then it goes whites and indians again.

2020-03-14 07:03:10 UTC  

tfw trump cancels all student debt

2020-03-14 07:03:40 UTC  

Trump's just gotta legalize weed, I think that is a easier, lower hanging fruit to accomplish.

2020-03-14 07:04:13 UTC  

almost all states have legalized it in some form or another now, house and senate would jump all over that in a heartbeat.

2020-03-14 07:04:53 UTC  


2020-03-14 07:05:05 UTC  

weed kinda cringe, trump should ban gay marriage and then stop taxing middle class people

2020-03-14 07:05:13 UTC  

tone it down

2020-03-14 07:05:36 UTC  

tone what down

2020-03-14 07:05:48 UTC  

this guy telling us his life story

2020-03-14 07:05:54 UTC  

The dems have been pushing it for years, if trump legalized it and the dems fought legalization, they would just make themselves look bad to their constituents, not that they care about their constituents anyways.

2020-03-14 07:06:09 UTC  


2020-03-14 07:06:11 UTC  

weed is basically legal

2020-03-14 07:06:34 UTC  

But why would you want weed legal? Just going to be shit and taxed

2020-03-14 07:06:38 UTC  

trump on the criminal justice reform stuff is cringe, massive waste of time to get the black vote, which he wont get cuz biden is running

2020-03-14 07:08:04 UTC  

I had to go to fort polk Louisiana for some training a few years back (DoD Civ) Lotta black folks there with pictures of the POTUS in their cubicles. They love him.

2020-03-14 07:08:37 UTC  

It's amazing how different the world is when you travel outside of California's reality distortion field.

2020-03-14 07:12:12 UTC  

And they say we have a echo chamber

2020-03-14 07:13:20 UTC  

But California reminds me of London a shithole full of leftys and immigration that should be nuked. But they blame the rest of the country for all the bad shit

2020-03-14 07:13:58 UTC  

Even tho it's them with skyhigh crimes

2020-03-14 07:18:56 UTC  

Ya California is pretty ruined, makes me kind of sad cause my family has a loooong and good history here, but my wife kids and I are in agreement, it's time to start looking towards greener pastures.

2020-03-14 07:23:47 UTC  

Will be a long time before California/London back to normal.