Message from @taintedwatcher
Discord ID: 688960852623097858
Oh, there they are.
And British government trying to spread it
Hey y'all
You know something stupid? I have asthma and I'm afraid of coughing in public now because I'm worried I'm going to scare other people. :/
i think donald trump is good
@Jeffery hi, donald trump supporter
So... I am super out of the loop. If anyone knows the site or a subreddit, feed, etc... that would be great.
Appreciate pedes.
For QANON Info Drops that is. Cuz I have no idea
Be patient we will be with you eventually, are you a fed?
@taintedwatcher /qanonresearch
All I got is my Sig P226
Anyone try Gab's new chat?
how do i become vetted
Get a mod
Dm them and show account/trumpposting for twitter, reddit, or .win
can i trump post for instagram
It's not a hoax, it's a China-engineered virus that was released from a poorly contained labratory. That being said, it's also not as dangerous as the Lib media said... but still...
Taking precautions is ok. FREAKING OUT about this shit is not.
One good outcome
atleast its killing off populated asia
alex jones did nothing wrong
Why is that
I can not post a pic here
@BuildTheWall only vetted can
God is removing false idols and returning order back to family