Message from @Xivilization
Discord ID: 688958063423651909
you will see! anyway. good night!!
He the not lazy mod
They vamoosed. XD
I think he was all "Uh oh! They're calling for me!"
Scroll up in chat then. He there
Well, anyone else ventured out in places other than grocery stores?
@Pytokonda 🐏 @WeWillNeverYield that suffice?
I don't give a fuck about commieflu
Oh, there they are.
And British government trying to spread it
Hey y'all
You know something stupid? I have asthma and I'm afraid of coughing in public now because I'm worried I'm going to scare other people. :/
@Jeffery hi, donald trump supporter
So... I am super out of the loop. If anyone knows the site or a subreddit, feed, etc... that would be great.
Appreciate pedes.
For QANON Info Drops that is. Cuz I have no idea
Be patient we will be with you eventually, are you a fed?
@taintedwatcher /qanonresearch
If I was I could buy an H&K A3 G3
All I got is my Sig P226
Anyone try Gab's new chat?
how do i become vetted
Get a mod
Dm them and show account/trumpposting for twitter, reddit, or .win
can i trump post for instagram