Message from @Nubidubi23
Discord ID: 691287821968736307
I'm not sure why TDW censorship is out of control. I have been posting a lot of real flu fatality stats vs. the coronavirus hysteria for days. Perhaps one of the mods were triggered and looking for an excuse to ban me. I'm nothing but polite and never even accused anyone of being a shill once... so perhaps telling half a rude joke was just the excuse they were looking for?
It's ok. Mods at Wikipedia is changing that <:trumpwitchlul:624684793422020624>
@cilantro why dont you take it up with them, then?
im so quirky i fiercely masturbate to cheems hentai
wow cheems hentai , where can i find some?
looking at leftist responses to trump's tweets with the keemstar scream in the background is the funniest thing i've seen in at least 1 week
Howdy pedes
is this a joke
@gavin exe no u
ok have a nice day
trump is stalin the sequel
i can understand why dumbass lefties compare him to hitler but comparing him to stalin is the dumbest thing i've ever heard
trump is a republican and stalin was an extremist leftist
Look at this handsome motherfucker
What's the deal with Wikipedia's slander?
Their editors are CUCKS
I don't know if I could be considered a 'Trump supporter', but I can't help but feel sympathy for the President. The constant attacks and he's usually right about something simple like the 'Chinese virus' and everyone blows it out of proportion
Can't even discuss it openly on social media, because people get alienated or hysterical
look at the replies on this tweet jesus christ
this is your typical orange man bad reply , but what you're gonna see in the first tweet is beyond human comprehension
Fuck anyway who changes history. There the reason people repeat the past. So Wikipedia fking lefty cunts @provolone
a good chunk are bots. Real people don't use twitter anyways
Wumaos are deep on Twitter and leftists are agreeing with them. Meanwhile they're worried about Russians...
whats a wumao
pro-china troll paid by the CCP