Message from @Pytokonda 🐏

Discord ID: 691243113821503518

2020-03-22 10:31:59 UTC  

The mods are different now on T_D if you was a big part of T_D you should of known the drama we been having with Reddit for 2-3 years now

2020-03-22 10:32:20 UTC  

And that only happened about a month ago

2020-03-22 10:33:36 UTC  

I never had any issues with T_D during 5 years. I'll give 'em another chance and see how it goes... and let you guys know. It wouldn't hurt to support T_D in case TDW censorship continues to be out of control, so we have somewhere to flee before the November elections.

2020-03-22 10:36:24 UTC  

If you never had problems or don't know about what been happing you clearly don't go on TD much. It was pinned and talked about for almost 2 years none stop. And next to no one can post on T_D now. Cos like everyone who used T_D in the last year would know Reddit is asshole

2020-03-22 10:37:37 UTC  

Thinking tdw censorship is more than TD. You clearly not a trump fan/TD user or you just a shill

2020-03-22 10:38:35 UTC  

Even on the fence cuck tim pool knows of the Reddit censorship of TD.

2020-03-22 10:41:19 UTC  

Yes, I know T_D had all kinds of fuckery, but from what I've seen, the censorship on TDW is out of control and far worse that anything I saw of T_D. You can throw mud if you want, but that changes nothing.

2020-03-22 10:44:02 UTC  

One person got banned on tdw (what Polly could of been by mistake or whatever and easily fixed) over the 3-4 years of 10000s of people been banned, edit posting by Reddit owners, and forced removed mods and replace with there lefty mods. Ya ok

2020-03-22 10:46:37 UTC  

Neither you nor I truly know how bad the TDW censorship is, but I got banned for telling half a joke about someone's mother being rolled in flour. I'll return to vote where it's not ideal, but you'll NEVER get permanently banned for such silliness.

2020-03-22 10:48:13 UTC  

I contributed a LOT of time to posts and discussions in TDW and created many memes just for them, branded with their URL... only to get banned for implying half a possible joke. Sorry, that is the definition of censorship running off the rails.

2020-03-22 10:50:41 UTC  

I post anti yank memes here and never get banned. And it's same mods. If you think tdw is more censored then Reddit then you just a idiot or see no evil type unless it's you. Like I said before just message mods here cos it's the same mods on here, tdw and that was on Reddit to undo it. They will have the logs to see if you a shill or not

2020-03-22 10:53:18 UTC  

Your experience highlights an issue where TDW may have one or two mods who are out of control then. Perhaps one of them lost a debate with me? I've seen penises on the front page in memes, yet I can't indirectly refer to someone's mother being rolled in flour... without even saying the punchline or anything offensive or against the rules. I'll wait to see if TDW mods do respond to my message, but I don't trust this place anymore and I won't be creating any more memes for them.

2020-03-22 10:54:57 UTC  

It's the same mods here as tdw. I post anti yank, UK and even worst weebshit. No mods banned me. Cos they know it's all fun and games.

2020-03-22 10:59:19 UTC  

You experience with posting anti yank memes and my experience with telling half a joke had very different outcomes... which suggests TDW have mods who are out of control.

2020-03-22 11:01:08 UTC  

What would you think a mod team full of yanks would hate the most. A half a joke or my pics <:trumpwitchlul:624684793422020624>


2020-03-22 11:04:07 UTC  

I'm not sure why TDW censorship is out of control. I have been posting a lot of real flu fatality stats vs. the coronavirus hysteria for days. Perhaps one of the mods were triggered and looking for an excuse to ban me. I'm nothing but polite and never even accused anyone of being a shill once... so perhaps telling half a rude joke was just the excuse they were looking for?

2020-03-22 11:12:50 UTC

2020-03-22 11:13:21 UTC  

It's ok. Mods at Wikipedia is changing that <:trumpwitchlul:624684793422020624>

2020-03-22 11:26:34 UTC  


2020-03-22 11:26:51 UTC  


2020-03-22 11:29:17 UTC  

@cilantro why dont you take it up with them, then?

2020-03-22 12:04:45 UTC  

im so quirky i fiercely masturbate to cheems hentai

2020-03-22 12:08:23 UTC  

wow cheems hentai , where can i find some?

2020-03-22 12:13:25 UTC  

looking at leftist responses to trump's tweets with the keemstar scream in the background is the funniest thing i've seen in at least 1 week

2020-03-22 12:29:04 UTC  


2020-03-22 12:29:36 UTC  


2020-03-22 13:44:45 UTC  

Howdy pedes

2020-03-22 14:09:08 UTC  

is this a joke

2020-03-22 14:09:57 UTC  
2020-03-22 14:10:13 UTC  

ok have a nice day

2020-03-22 14:10:30 UTC  

trump is stalin the sequel

2020-03-22 14:11:00 UTC  

i can understand why dumbass lefties compare him to hitler but comparing him to stalin is the dumbest thing i've ever heard

2020-03-22 14:11:00 UTC  


2020-03-22 14:11:17 UTC  

trump is a republican and stalin was an extremist leftist

2020-03-22 14:29:59 UTC  

Look at this handsome motherfucker