Message from @OrangeLantern

Discord ID: 691936563571195965

2020-03-24 05:53:12 UTC  

Is chat dead?

2020-03-24 06:06:15 UTC  

The fuck

2020-03-24 06:08:04 UTC  


2020-03-24 06:08:56 UTC  


2020-03-24 06:12:58 UTC  

Discord loves taking down servers. Even if he was joking, still too dangerous to keep.

2020-03-24 06:15:32 UTC
Tfw a study from 2007 literally warned us not to eat bats.

2020-03-24 06:48:11 UTC  


2020-03-24 07:02:12 UTC  


2020-03-24 07:16:08 UTC  

Why am I still going through vetting?

2020-03-24 07:16:25 UTC  

its been a week maybe two

2020-03-24 07:16:43 UTC  

joe mam

2020-03-24 07:16:48 UTC  

Oh, I see its cool now

2020-03-24 07:18:27 UTC  

I love you guys

2020-03-24 07:34:09 UTC  


2020-03-24 07:44:08 UTC  

Maybe because your name is literally AdolfHitler

2020-03-24 07:46:17 UTC  

Hey pedes. How are yall doing tonight?

2020-03-24 08:13:08 UTC  


2020-03-24 08:19:30 UTC  


2020-03-24 09:04:53 UTC  

how everyone be

2020-03-24 09:05:10 UTC  

we patrolling the border wall tonight boys

2020-03-24 09:08:52 UTC  

just enjoying my time in self isolation

2020-03-24 09:12:41 UTC  

Not letting myself get kung-flu if i can

2020-03-24 09:14:12 UTC  


2020-03-24 09:30:12 UTC  

gookkake to you too

2020-03-24 09:35:36 UTC China: leaked files show 20x more cases | NTD - Trump right again....

2020-03-24 09:41:06 UTC  

he chose the economy over people's lives

2020-03-24 09:46:34 UTC  

why can't we have both. Just lock down the at risk people

2020-03-24 10:07:58 UTC  

why is too high muted

2020-03-24 10:23:19 UTC  

boning your mom too loud

2020-03-24 10:26:21 UTC  

that sounds like something i wouldve said 3 years ago

2020-03-24 10:54:29 UTC  

the US government is trying to pass a bill to end all encryption:

2020-03-24 10:56:22 UTC  

yeah , its called "EARN IT" and its the most retarded piece of filth to ever exist

2020-03-24 10:56:40 UTC  

luckly that wont affect me since i live in EU

2020-03-24 11:42:49 UTC Strong & United, We Will Prevail!

2020-03-24 11:59:57 UTC  

Using the Name ‘CCP Virus’ Holds Chinese Regime Responsible for Global Crisis, Expert Says

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2020-03-24 12:12:27 UTC  

I mean, it's also the common nomenclature for diseases. Spanish flu, for example (although it's possible that one also started in China). Naming a disease after a location where it started isn't placing blame on the location. People who say that are dumb.

2020-03-24 12:23:48 UTC  

If we named viruses after where they began we would have a few China viruses

2020-03-24 12:28:56 UTC  

Good morning

2020-03-24 12:55:12 UTC  
