Message from @☕Imako☕
Discord ID: 692378706232082469
tommorow trump will endorse air and 80% of the dems will suffocate
Desert Eagle 50, Thompson 1927, or FN FAL
I already have all the cheaper ones lol
Pelosi has signaled a quick approval, but now supercuck Justin Amash has decided he wants to be in the news again and force a vote where members have to fly to washington
Morning doods
The democrats eat them selves alive at every turn. If one is reasonable, there will be another one to step up for heel dragging duty. Good for nothing.
Amash is a former Republican and now independent
Aka a faggot
He's really a libertarian... And *really* a narcissist
I can't imagine how someone holds this up at this point and still keeps their seat in Congress
I heard someone saying trump is the closest to an independent president as there will ever be. I think I agree with that.
@lima429 Trump is pro lgb.
Tranies are fucked in the head. So are lesbians. Gays and Bi's are okay.
And the q, the a, the ++
Someone called me acephobic
Thing is, they are all under the "gay" umbrella, they had to add subcategories to be more oppressed
Asexuals are terrifying
Seriously, keep that shit in your bedroom.
Are you a Bi chick? Cus that also doesn't count.
I'm a 🅱️oi
It gets confusing with the cartoon avatars.
sorry sorry
Are they going to pass the 2trillion stimulus?
Yes but Amash is forcing an in person vote
fuuuuuuuuuucking hecc
It didn't exist before Tumblr lol. Just people with hormonal problems or maybe some sexual abuse in their past
I think its also due to Psych101 classes in college teaching potential parents things like "If your son likes pink and is slightly feminine, he is definitely a trans girl."
oh no
thats transphobic
What did I just read...
The 40%+ suicide rate would disagree
they prevent suicide duhhhhhhh
How can you be so simple minded and not understand these simple concepts