Message from @Nubidubi23
Discord ID: 692443365010047097
i wish i hadn't eaten all my sweets in one day
now i don't have any :(
@Nubidubi23 ...
Go get more?
cavity search 🧤
there's police outside everyone's doors
@Nubidubi23 where do you live?
o e u f
Romania has a police lockdown?
idk but my mom got stopped today and im not risking it
Hm... if you trust the news, it does claim military and police on the streets. Stay safe. Don't become a statistic
Be safe bud @Nubidubi23
i will 👍
@Doc Jinzo, PhD in Trap Negation I know what would solve this gendered crisis: don't hire women. Hiring women drives men's wages down. Then women can stay at home and not be on the front lines.
Kinda like a mini-ww2
i was @'d?
pray for kekistan (gay mod) asked what's with you
@Nubidubi23 what's the deal with civilians owning guns in Romania? Is that allowed?
im gonna be 100% honest , i have no idea how gun policies work here
i never cared enough to find out
I wonder how many citizens will start caring now
If you notice, only the authorities seem to have guns over there
actually now that you mention it , i haven't seen a single civilian with a gun ever since i was born (or maybe i did and i forgot)
"In Romania, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law"
Yeah, I was just reading about that. Sounds normal for the EU. But Romania is pretty based, so maybe that will change
Romania is nothing but a punch of paint sniffers
Maybe(?) but guns arent historically part of their culture, unlike ours.
aurolac sniffing is the center of romania culture
@Drawgs_and_Pawgs no need to be a douche to a good nation
They're no Poland, but they're not Germany
@Drawgs_and_Pawgs damn you not wrong
i know Im being a bit of a douche but romania really isnt much of a country
You could argue crack is at the center of American culture. It'd be equally untrue.
According to the Romanian national statistics institute the average salary in Romania in August 2016 was, before taxes, 2874RON (approx 718$ or 638€) and after taxes (net salary) 2021RON (approx 505$ or 448€).
@Drawgs_and_Pawgs Are you Romanian?
United States might have a drug issue in poor neighborhoods but kids running around sniffing paint because they are starving is not common, same with drugs