Message from @Kako

Discord ID: 692478077325934612

2020-03-25 20:56:27 UTC  

we founded the country on the pursuit of happiness and if someone's pursuit of happiness is forming a family with two moms or dads then so be it

2020-03-25 20:56:27 UTC  

Saying I would prefer my children not to be gay is not homophobic or bigoted.

2020-03-25 20:56:28 UTC  

a nuclear family always has been an option

2020-03-25 20:57:00 UTC  

i can be a heroin addict and say im happy

2020-03-25 20:57:09 UTC  

Yeah but that’s happiness for the parents, not the kids. There for the parents suck and are fucking up their kids for what’s best for them

2020-03-25 20:57:16 UTC  

> we founded the country on the pursuit of happiness and if someone's pursuit of happiness is forming a family with two moms or dads then so be it
@kaseywasey forcing a child to have two moms or dads, the poor kid doesnt have say in what goes on here now does he?

2020-03-25 20:57:20 UTC  

peoples definition of happiness isnt a gauge of societal health

2020-03-25 20:57:20 UTC  

do it then. its not my business of what you do with your body

2020-03-25 20:57:38 UTC  

Parents make sacrifices for kids, kids should not be making the sacrifices

2020-03-25 20:58:15 UTC  

the kid doesnt have a say when their parents are their parents either, like when kids have abusive parents. they dont have a say in what goes on there

2020-03-25 20:58:19 UTC  

If you have kids and you want the best outcome, you bring them up in a nuclear family. That’s very very very well shown in the data

2020-03-25 20:58:43 UTC  

if you have kids and want the best outcome, raise them to be hard workers and over achievers

2020-03-25 20:59:06 UTC  

> the kid doesnt have a say when their parents are their parents either, like when kids have abusive parents. they dont have a say in what goes on there
@kaseywasey quite the straw man arguement. We can make child abuse illegal. Just like how we can make two people of the same sex raising a child illegal. Glad you could point that out

2020-03-25 20:59:22 UTC  

theres nothing disagreeable about that but unfortunately the reality of the problem is that not every single parent does that or can do that.

2020-03-25 20:59:39 UTC  

if you want to force them to do it then you're forcing conformity.

2020-03-25 20:59:58 UTC  


2020-03-25 21:00:08 UTC  

Children need a strong male and female in their life to psychologically develop too. You can’t teach over achievement if they have fucked up psychology

2020-03-25 21:00:22 UTC  

but why make two people raising a child illegal? why does it matter whos raising this kid if theyre raising them to be strong workers that will help this country?

2020-03-25 21:00:34 UTC  

thats not illegal lol

2020-03-25 21:00:38 UTC  

> Children need a strong male and female in their life to psychologically develop too. You can’t teach over achievement if they have fucked up psychology
@Kako date a girl with daddy issues and youll understand this 100%

2020-03-25 21:00:39 UTC  

It doesn’t raise strong workers, you’re hung up on anecdotes

2020-03-25 21:00:54 UTC  

it doesnt. thats not the point either.

2020-03-25 21:01:27 UTC  

im a girl with mommy issues and im top 20 graduating high school with my associates degree. Your point?

2020-03-25 21:01:41 UTC  

@Drawgs_and_Pawgs I liked this girl that had daddy issues. In private she likes to fuck over men and now I won’t date her

2020-03-25 21:01:50 UTC  

you're still arguing on surface level value judgments. start with identifying the problem. dont read the news. you're probably smart enough to make your own judgments.

2020-03-25 21:01:54 UTC  

> im a girl with mommy issues and im top 20 graduating high school with my associates degree. Your point?
@kaseywasey imagine braggingi about an associates degree

2020-03-25 21:02:21 UTC  

thats not the point im bringing up? private family issues dont mean someone isnt successful

2020-03-25 21:02:41 UTC  

> im a girl with mommy issues and im top 20 graduating high school with my associates degree. Your point?
@kaseywasey "high school" Okay that explains it

2020-03-25 21:02:42 UTC  

but they dont mean someone isnt a failure either. the issue is in the framing of your statement

2020-03-25 21:02:43 UTC  

Your other problem @kaseywasey you don’t identify solutions, only things you dislike about the current system. Not how to make it better. Just harping on your own preferences and nothing scientifically validated

2020-03-25 21:03:10 UTC  

you're arguing in generalities. i agree with a lot of it. but thats not how you really analyze a problem

2020-03-25 21:03:21 UTC  

explains what @Drawgs_and_Pawgs

2020-03-25 21:03:22 UTC  

"black crime isnt an issue because Im black and I dont commit crime"

2020-03-25 21:03:38 UTC  

^^^ Your arguement

2020-03-25 21:03:50 UTC  

You know what will make immigration better? Let people do a test. If they score good, they're allowed in, if not, they have to go back.

2020-03-25 21:04:10 UTC  

That's what they wanna do here.

2020-03-25 21:04:19 UTC  

that doesnt make any sense. people around me who were raised either by one parent or even none are succeeding

2020-03-25 21:04:20 UTC  

"many blacks dont commit crime"

true. but dont look away from the big issue at hand. dont ignore it. ignoring it wont make it go away. You should want to take action and do something about it. really try and understand whats going on. its not simple stuff.

2020-03-25 21:04:46 UTC  

> "many blacks dont commit crime"
> true. but dont look away from the big issue at hand. dont ignore it. ignoring it wont make it go away. You should want to take action and do something about it. really try and understand whats going on. its not simple stuff.
@saturn broker this

2020-03-25 21:05:11 UTC  

You’re not allowed to do scientific research on data comparing the success of gays to straights or blacks to whites based on racial or sexual characteristics alone. Career ender if you did. It’s sad and these liberals keep it up so it’s hard for us to debunk

2020-03-25 21:06:02 UTC  

you can acknowledge a problem that a lot of people ignore. it doesnt mean anything about your character.

One of the best things you can do is philanthropy work. Go work with inner city kids and see whats going on yourself.