Message from @Snarf
Discord ID: 346733263517253645
Oyyy veyyyy whites can't unite unda our watch
I'm so glad I could see the shoah of John and his stupid pepper though
ah I can't change nam
No pepper John
i miss my pepes
I hate your pepper
Yeah, TOX is a group chat, nothing much
not worth it
I'm counter signaling your pepper until the day I die
I like da pepper
You can change your discord name and add a pepper
@Fallskjermjeger ❤ Welcome
oy vey
Don't liste, to vyrux
It can't be done
🙂 Thank you.
So will this be the official continuation of the Discord or will it be Freeport or ARIAN Ethnotent or wut
Until there is an alternative
It can't be done
Duke is pissed. It's kind of nice to listen to him when he is fired up tbh.
Look at my name
You're not a true white nationalist if you aren't outside digging a trench to run your own fiber to create a second internet
Firo, the discord shills banned us
No you're pepper enabling dude
They confirmed that they took down the alt-right server
probably gonna get deleted by jewscord
Because they blamed the server for "nazi-ideology"
And that they planed charlotteville
Despite the fact
that's not true
I have returned
Meaning they don't support free speech
T.T.W.P planned the rally