Message from @lima429

Discord ID: 693077975792615474

2020-03-27 09:28:07 UTC  

Poopoo isn't funny man. Do you know how many that drowns in shit each year?

2020-03-27 09:29:58 UTC  

A year? About 5k all from count dankula discord server

2020-03-27 09:31:52 UTC  

did go down, im constantly getting 503 service unavailable pages and cloudflare unavailable pages, was just working a min ago

2020-03-27 09:33:49 UTC  

Was not ded before. It be fixed later

2020-03-27 09:34:19 UTC  

I just blame this random weeb till then @AgentNed♡ why you do that <:TrumpDisgust:624681485525319681>

2020-03-27 09:34:40 UTC  

alrighty, seems like maintenance then. im sure it'll be back up within an hr or 2 at most

2020-03-27 09:34:55 UTC  

alrighty, seems like maintenance then. im sure it'll be back up within an hr or 2 at most

2020-03-27 09:35:14 UTC  

alrighty, seems like maintenance then. im sure it'll be back up within an hr or 2 at most

2020-03-27 09:35:25 UTC  

yup yup. we're on it

2020-03-27 09:35:32 UTC  

be back shortly

2020-03-27 09:35:34 UTC  

thank you so much!

2020-03-27 09:36:40 UTC  

Still blaming @AgentNed♡ <:TrumpDisgust:624681485525319681>

2020-03-27 09:37:28 UTC  

This is why no one likes weebs

2020-03-27 09:38:39 UTC  
2020-03-27 10:26:12 UTC  

site back up <:WIN:656261034780393494>

2020-03-27 10:26:50 UTC  

Not even the side admin said it up yet lol

2020-03-27 10:37:47 UTC  

workin for me lol

2020-03-27 10:40:21 UTC  

im just keeping tabs open cause im bored as hell rn.

2020-03-27 10:43:45 UTC  

Fair do

2020-03-27 12:42:54 UTC  

I see democrats on the horizon, over. They're in groups of two or three, saying shit like "hi", "dd", and "obama", over.

2020-03-27 12:44:26 UTC  

Also, somebody with the default pfp will say nigga and then leave, I know it.

2020-03-27 12:45:05 UTC  


2020-03-27 12:45:20 UTC  

"Lima429, did you say Democrats on the horizon? Over."

2020-03-27 12:47:50 UTC

2020-03-27 12:48:07 UTC  


2020-03-27 12:50:02 UTC  

We have a color coded guide to help determine who is cool

2020-03-27 12:51:38 UTC  

At least we don't have to guess anymore. Make sure we get that distributed to all mainstream media outlets. They'll want to begin "Operation Pandering To Dipshits" immediately.

2020-03-27 12:54:54 UTC  

I've been working from home all week, and I have been laying in the floor with my keyboard like a jackass.

This morning I set a piano bench in front of my tv and I am sitting in a chair like the genius I always knew I was.

2020-03-27 12:57:18 UTC  

I have been wfh for about 2 weeks now. I've got two desks set up. One for my actual job stuff with two monitors, and then my "Working" desk that has my gaming laptop hooked up to a 32" tv. I bought a new gaming office chair and expensed it to my work under the rule of "I NEED IT TO WORK FROM HOME ALL DAY YOU FUCKING BIGOTS!" then proceeded to claim they wouldn't pay for it because i was poly unsaturated octosexual with rainbow hair and a "VOTE BERNIE OR DIE" bumper sticker.

2020-03-27 12:58:12 UTC  

the cut of his jib

2020-03-27 12:58:22 UTC  

Having a job where you can work from home is a privilege beyond your comprehension. Sucks being one of the 3 people at my work at work

2020-03-27 13:01:29 UTC  

I get it, trust me. This time last year it wouldn't have been an option. I'm grateful for the company I work for. They are doing a great amount to take care of those that work for the company but can't work from home. I wish more companies stepped up like the one I work for has. My wife has been furloughed indefinitely. She's a surgical tech for a surgery center and they shut that place down unless it's immediate/emergency surgeries. So luckily I make enough to support us without the stimulus package and we've already done our taxes and gotten our refunds back. So that's about 3 months worth of bills for us right there.

2020-03-27 13:02:29 UTC  

I am thinking that if we get anything from the stimulus, because we honestly don't need it, of donating it right back to the Trump 2020 campaign. Not the RNC, Trump. I don't give shit to the RNC.

2020-03-27 13:04:45 UTC  

@Kako man it's good to still have a job, I can't imagine how bad the restaurant industry is right now for everyone

2020-03-27 13:06:08 UTC  

My office went from about 1998 technology to 2018 real fast. We're now paperless and likely staying that way when this is over.

2020-03-27 13:06:30 UTC  

Trump really needs to Veto this shit

2020-03-27 13:07:31 UTC  

I wondered if he could do a line-item veto and axe all the bs

2020-03-27 13:11:29 UTC  

would need to be a supreme court case to give him the ability to line item

2020-03-27 13:12:02 UTC  

I was wondering why they couldn't pass an emergency bill that would allow "Vital To Survival" companies (Mortgage/Gas/Electric/Water/Trash) to basically "take the loss" during this time and then get all the money not collected during this time as a tax break going forward. I'm sure it would be easier for companies to take that immediate hit but know they would get all "losses" back in tax cuts. I don't know... I'm not an economist. But then again, neither is Don Lemon. And screeching retards listen to him nightly. So.... who knows.

2020-03-27 13:13:21 UTC  

it was taken away under Clinton's term