Message from @PDXFleaBag

Discord ID: 695520845497630761

2020-04-03 06:25:01 UTC  

Hitler came to power because he was against the current establishment

2020-04-03 06:25:04 UTC  

The Killing of Jews was a very private thing. They had a separate camp where the most talented jews were and they were at the time treated fine so they could make a film saying that the jews were doing alright and there was no need to worry

2020-04-03 06:25:23 UTC  

Of course those talented jews later got sent to the regular camps with everyone else

2020-04-03 06:25:35 UTC  

Germany produced a lot of propaganda to prove they werent doing evil shit they owned the radio waves/media/ect

2020-04-03 06:26:26 UTC  

Hitler came into power because he was against the establishment and was good at giving speeches

2020-04-03 06:26:31 UTC  

People were tired of a decade of Communist street violence, which then (same as now) was branding itself as "anti-fascism."

2020-04-03 06:26:32 UTC  

I'm more towards nazism then I am marxism if I had to pick; but individual freedom is what I think is best

2020-04-03 06:27:37 UTC  

hitler came to power because germany was destroyed economically after WWI, with the treaty of versaille basically fucking them over, a document negotiated with a lot of jewish influence at the time which was the primary reason for hitler's dislike of jews. the reason hitler rose to power was because of the economic destruction and the degradation of society in weimar (child prostitutes, rampant unsightly art, public homosexuality) it caused a massive national distaste of berlin

2020-04-03 06:28:12 UTC  

hitler also hated democratic socialists

2020-04-03 06:28:39 UTC  

but there were many infighting political factions at the time

2020-04-03 06:28:40 UTC  

thats really funny because hitler has been revealed to actually be a pedophile like
He mainly fucked girls who were fifteen and shit

2020-04-03 06:29:12 UTC  

pretty sure most people's wives were like 16 in the 20's lmao

2020-04-03 06:29:26 UTC  

the treaty of versaille idk if it had a lot of jewish influence; I think he just blamed the jews for the loss of the war. The influence in that treaty where the victors wanting germany to pay them back for all the fuckin money they spent during it

2020-04-03 06:29:29 UTC  

most of the infighting factions back then were just versions of socialism with different colored bows on top.

2020-04-03 06:29:42 UTC  

individual freedom = slippery slope to leftism

2020-04-03 06:30:16 UTC  

individual freedom is a meme, true

2020-04-03 06:30:25 UTC  

>The ideaology of a nazi is to get behind a cause blinded

You got no clue if u think this

2020-04-03 06:30:27 UTC  

slippery slope is a fallacy. I see what you mean though; but properly educated, people wouldn't fall into that death trap but the idea that they might is the cost of freedom

2020-04-03 06:30:55 UTC  

slippery slope is objectively real

2020-04-03 06:31:16 UTC  


2020-04-03 06:31:31 UTC  

It's not a compelling argument against individual freedom. The far-left argues the same thing. "Freedom and self-determination are bad because people might choose to be a fascist, so we have to have total control."

2020-04-03 06:31:33 UTC  

Holy shit im tired
See yall later fuck sanders

2020-04-03 06:31:43 UTC  

>but properly educated, people wouldn't fall into that death trap but the idea that they might is the cost of freedom

The strongest base of support for the Nazis were the middle class, so they were educated

2020-04-03 06:32:01 UTC  

the lefts idea of freedom isnt actually freedom.

2020-04-03 06:32:07 UTC  

it had popular support among the medical and science fields, because eugenics and race were considered that

2020-04-03 06:33:00 UTC  

isnt the trans stuff just the objective case of individual liberty gone too far

2020-04-03 06:33:05 UTC  

I don't mean educated in the sense of science/medical I mean educated in history and understanding the pitfalls of societies historically

2020-04-03 06:33:40 UTC  

they were in a massive depression and the country was in complete turmoil lmao

2020-04-03 06:33:52 UTC  

and yes that is the cost of individual freedom; but I feel the cost of anything else outweighs some idiot believing they should be the opposite sex

2020-04-03 06:34:03 UTC  

most of history is dominated by authoritarianism
liberalism only started gaining traction in the 20th century after WWII
democracy also only started becoming popular in the 20th century

2020-04-03 06:34:20 UTC  

but what good has individual freedom been so far, the end result has been trans kids and weirdos all over the streets

2020-04-03 06:34:21 UTC  

Liberalism has its roots in the 16th century, it's a very new idea

2020-04-03 06:34:37 UTC  

proper liberalism is 17th-18th century

2020-04-03 06:34:37 UTC  

in a world where everyone is so concerned about "muh individualism" theres no concern for the collective society

2020-04-03 06:35:05 UTC  

we live in a very unique era compared to the rest of history

2020-04-03 06:35:08 UTC  

I am ignorant towards these fields but from my life experience and the experience of others i've came across; taking ownership of your life and accepting challenges seems to be the best outcome rather than being dependent on a higher power

2020-04-03 06:35:34 UTC  

I agree

2020-04-03 06:35:48 UTC  

the best route to embrace this seems to be individual freedom

2020-04-03 06:36:12 UTC  

I am accepting and open to different opinions towards this

2020-04-03 06:36:38 UTC  

Someone who wants power over you would be inclined to disagree.

2020-04-03 06:36:39 UTC  

It depends what you want more of in the world