Message from @Daquavis
Discord ID: 670962546290982925
Now do this image with jussie smolett
Can I post yiff?
thats not memes, faggot
@LawyersPlayDota stfu I'm posting yiff and nobody can stop me
@SharksGrill can
oh darn, he's gone
banned him?
what a tragic loss
ty 👌🏻
thanks for the heads up @LawyersPlayDota
Remember gentlemen. As far as Domino's is concerned, 10 inches is small.
Pls accept my humble meme
Totally original bruh
Clap clap
Thank you
Nicely done sir
<a:communism:586632237638877204> <a:communism:586632237638877204> <a:communism:586632237638877204> <a:communism:586632237638877204>
oh man, someone got SERIOUSLY upset over that lakers meme
Are you racist or do you support the Los Angeles 🇰 🇳 🇮 🇨 🇰 🇪 🇷 🇸 ?
@Pray_For_Kekistan thats kinda messed up
Yeh it is