Message from @Fawx
Discord ID: 682232398498496516
I don’t care lol
wasn't talking to you, libtard
You @ d me tho?
@Dorugoramon Star Wars - Not pro-war: excuse me what. Not only is war in the name, but what they've said about High Republic is it's all about Jedi *warriors*.
Ow I think I just lost some braincells....
Technically it was originally anti-Vietnam war from what Ive heard, but honestly a lot of stuff was anti-Vietnam war at the time, so thats hardly surprising.
@Dorugoramon - It's not a coincidence that the best Star Wars movie was made by a Jew that was a WW2 veteran and an explorer
Dude had LIVED action adventure, it was his life
I've found it guys the most incorrect image ever created by a human being
Ron, I'm speechless.
do you understand now why people believe in Flat Earth
Damn I hope that comic's satire
this seems to be the source of the outbreak
I would imagine Cuba's 0% homeless rate would be due to the gulags.
Low unemployment rate for the same reason
Read up on how people really live. Once proud homes are shells with intermittent electricity
All employed in the mines
In the gulags
Fucking cucks