Message from @Kai Leng
Discord ID: 685612621755318325
@Kai Leng#9577
@Nubidubi23 that’s just mean right there like straight up bullying
yes but the target was a furry
Now that would be a dream come true, ngl
> going to college to get a job
me not because robots can already do pretty much every job: <:trumpdab:642992029370023937>
Unmarked versions available as well.
*crops photo*
Pretty much, @Joe Mama. Haha.
why would you watermark an image
you can’t own a joke man
Because I’ve yet to earn my stripes. No warning yet on Reddit. Figured any small thing might help.
No matter. Posted the more offensive to DTS. I’ll see how it goes.
anyone able to remove a watermark on filmora?
i had to watch cnn
every day
in homeroom
TRUE <:trumplaugh:666855109644386314>
I learned about kids jumping on my lap.
And I've loved kids jumping on my lap.
What the hell....😂