Message from @Kai Leng
Discord ID: 693480892294889493
If joe was a trump supporter ^
That's Joe right now
Jewish Writer blames Christians for Corona virus.
Swap those around and you'll have people crying the 3rd holacust
Propagandists see themselves as the most important thing ever.
And the second is consistent with people's way of thinking. Its okay to say we need to throw all the straight white normal Christian males into an incinerator. Change any of those words to the other groups and you're litterally mega turbo hitler
@Espadara It's funny cos if I ever found a McDonald's that actually did have ice cream, I think I'd be too afraid to eat there and just leave. Something win't rite y'all
@Kai Leng Yea, if they actually have a working ice cream machine I can only wonder at what they’re doing to the food. Only reason they’d have ice cream is to distract you.
hahaha yeah
Can we just remove non-members here and also ability to type
That the image Donald Jr posted?
Cuckoldry, swinging, drag kids... We're Rome in the last throes
I see how why you would feel that way, but have you tried not being a faggot? If that doesn't work you could also try not being SUCH a faggot.