Message from @CC96
Discord ID: 465683176623308830
Will post when I get it.
that is one old rifle....
Eh but I love it.
Plus the 6 rd Enbloc Clip idea is cool.
What other ammo produces 40Kpsi pressure?
I am sticking to 6.5 for now.
@AllFather Mine never came in lol
rip me
Eh a 6.5 Carcano is good enough for me.
I highly recommend a gladius over a machete or saber.
But mainly I'd equip myself w/ my Wakizashi.
Or "Short Sword" if you will.
@Son.av.Älgmannen Lol. I will send a pic.
make sure it's not doxxy
Don't worry.
just keepin u safe 👉 😎 👉
@Son.av.Älgmannen I know. Safe + Secure is the best.
18 x 38
big boy
Can we standardize 5.75mm velo-dog as the official round of national socialism?
It's the atf's official handgun round rn
maybe.................................. lol
Some french guy invented it so bikers could shoot dogs, so it's perfect for them and for anti-pitbull action