Message from @MindofAtonius
Discord ID: 463857313833549834
The fuck is 14/8 13
14 words heil medic
Lol ok
14/8 13
Also why is MindofAtonius's profile picture a pirate
you see this man?
this pirate man?
he's my buddy
also piracy was invented by the Norse so piracy is white and based
in my case I steal from the Jew
>he actually bought discord nitro
5$ to jews
I did it too for a meme
it was to trick the jew
i will take that 5$ and kill him
i mean uh...send him to siberia
no violence here feds
I need a role
that looks nice
Vulpes is Ernst rohm
Medic is Adolf Hitler
why did you send an isis propaganda video
Masha'Allah Brother
So we survived both Satanic panic AND regime change, sieg heil!
NSL is indestructable.
We can survive anything
Like a man!