Message from @johnolithicsoftware
Discord ID: 463863558598295573
Chief Propo situm on rock and chieselum propaganda.
KitKat atm
no thats me all the time
@everyone siege 2
Gas the bikes race far now
Despacito 2 is being released on NSLEGION.COM
I want to be a cop
So I can shoot niggers
If we shitposted memes like that dou you think it would work?
It would
It worked for Kekistan
Jews are the real notsees
They kinda are in a way
You ever hear about the football made from Jew babies?
It's like the skin lamps but gayer
The Nazis got their inspiration from Ed Gein I guess
I think they were partially inspired by Mussolini's fascism.
I was joke
We need The Protocols of the Learned Elders of NS to be written.
So what does the thing on the discord recruiting and Christianity ones say @segaprophet
@kitkat the three old religion channels can just be one channel "religion"
the recruiting don't worry about for now
Won't that just lead to religious infighting like before though?
Yeah... I thought about that
at the very least, you don't need a third "general" religion channel
Also do you want me to merge music and videos?
I think "Art & Music" can be one and "Videos" another