Message from @MickyCoy3020
Discord ID: 468059506975440896
Even have our own system of measurement
Honestly marriage needs more regulation than guns do
Look at statistics, if we banned non-whites from owning guns we’d have lower rates of gun violence than UK
Then again regardless of how much UK regulates guns, knives, and explosives it’s the non-whites killing people
Niggers typically have illegal guns, so banning them from owning them wouldn’t change shit. The nigger is the problem
You just figured that out?
Or are you having a laugh
I knew but it was compartmentalized trumptard old brain
Well... I just checked the wire...
things did not go well there at all
Its fine
Fuck all that NazBol shit
is that what happened?
bolsheviks are kike degenerates
there is no such thing as a NAZI bolshevik
that is complete insanity
read towards the end
@The GUNNY yeah nazbol shit, I ducked out of that one. There’s so many other fish
@MickyCoy3020 it’s odd for sure
I've yet to meet an actual nazbol tho
They dont really exist outside the internet
Except in Russia and some parts of EE with Russian communities
Yeah I noticed that but I also noticed they're just Skinheads using Judicial loopholes not to get arrested by JEW PUTIN
Just racist commies
They only view the Jew as an economic force
And good luck if you want private property
The idea of "National Bolshevism" as an ideology predates Jewtin
and his repression of skinhead groups
Theyre basically Russian Strasserists
The night of long knives happened. That’s it
Slavros pls come back 😢
I can compromise quite a bit, but no satanic weirdos or commies
I think we can all agree
We and no jews
what if we outjew the jew, and breed with jews and tell them they're white 🤔