Message from @The GUNNY
Discord ID: 468130745504890891
they also made it harder for females to pass
so well see alot of females out of the army
anything before an actual duty station does not matter at all
no one cares
those phases should all be brown, for shit
because that is what they are
but yeah, there needed to be more spartan standards and more agility/load bearing tasks
Meet up with Caspar was cool
@here what's your thoughts on a National-Socialist *Cultural Revolution*
Alright cool thanks for your input guys
you mean that we try to save our land through hoping people do the right thing?
No, Cultural Revolution. A revolutionary change within the Culture, changing the culture according to NS.
Which, is something that musthappen if a National-Socialist State wants to survive longer than 50 years
Especially in the modern age
And, even more especially, in the USA.
well, the culture is there but it is old and tired. The youth is untested and unsure.
Now, what you will find is that if you restore a white ethnostate the culture will recover miraculously
now, here, here is something you all should listen to and absorb.
As long as there is a modern incarnation of the "United States" we can never reclaim our land from sea to shining sea. Not now. However we can fight for our piece of it and hold that.
This was indeed something that took a hit when they pacified the ranks through the appointment of Trump.
Yet we are rebuilding.
As you watch that video, you will find that you are a part of a MUCH LARGER PICTURE
and it should EXCITE YOU
these little groups of silly sallies putting up flyers and nonsense
pointless, but there is a bigger mission, a better course, a proper cause ahead of you, white man
this means that no more are you going to consider these petty little groups, but that your skin is your uniform and your mission will finally fall under command with a mission to restore a white homeland where you can raise your children to be clever, industrious, intelligent, good, and decent!
how do you think I became who I am? It was not by accident, understand?
!play als die goldneabwndsonne
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `als die goldneabwndsonne`
**Playing** 🎶 `Als die goldne Abendsonne WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATION Original WWII recording` - Now!
@gambler joe you were getting me in contact with NorthWest Front right?
That would probably be a great group to get in contact with.
I’ll probably reach out personally
@here please keep bot commands in <#467548715725357060> or <#463855581858496514> . Thanks
If you have never read any of Covington's books, at least ensure to watch that video
I will