Message from @Maxon
Discord ID: 471361807127150602
Siege is almost as gay as LHP
if it were never written, we would be in a better place tbh
no satanist natsocs running around
What in Siege is gay? Give me some quotes that scream "gay" other than the obvious b.s. about LeVay.
Satanist apologetics, mansonfaggotry, the fact that everything in his book was said better by someone else
also his mentioning of his past as someone that just had no respect for any authority
He was quite literally an edgy teen that never grew up and he reveals that in his personal tales
Siege created shit like AWD and satanist natsocs by being an edgy book that gives you an excuse for doing nothing
He has no respect for any authority that comes from the system, yes.
any authority at all
Show me some quotes
His whole childhood story
Give me quotes
I'm not going to dig through a book to give you quotes nigger
you and I both read it
Why is poilu in leadership
@Epic Pardner *tips* give me quotes you know it all nigger
no fucking clue
no I'm not giving you quotes, I don't want to dig through a book for an hour just to win an internet argument
@AllFather why is poilu in leadership
No, it's all in siege
reread it if you want quotes
@AllFather why is edgelord in leadershit
@Epic Pardner *tips* you know it better than me evidently so you must know some things he said, right?
I do know things he said, but not word for word
I know he disobeyed school rules so much that they stopped punishing him so that other students wouldn't immitate him
but I can't quote it word for word
Yeah, the educational system spews bullshit and teaches lies, he had every right to disobey.
You're making up reasons though, a schoolboy wouldn't think that way
You're retrogressively justifying his actions
He was a geñus
Wif a big peñus
He was gonna shoot up that school if it weren't for Dr.Pierce.
So I'm going to be a WW2 Waffen SS re-enactor.